| Tomorrow's World

Zionism and the United Nations

With all the troubles facing Israel and the Middle East, newsreaders could easily miss—or ignore—an argument over posters. But, quite often, “little” issues highlight big human interest stories. One Jewish outreach group’s clash with the United Nations over a Jewish history display might do exactly that.

Do You Practice Being a Christian?

Many people claim they are “Christian.” But not many actually practice the religion they claim as their own. Is it important to practice following Christ’s teachings?

A Mother's Love

The other day I saw a bumper sticker that said, “Thank God My Mother Chose Life!” That immediately made me think of my own dear mother. When she was 44 years old she became pregnant with me. Already having four boys, she had always wanted a girl as well. My mother said she always knew she would have a girl someday.

Millions Running out of Water!

“The unthinkable is happening” said one Indian power plant operator in reaction to the severe drop in water levels on the Ganges River that closed his plant for ten days (BBC, March 27, 2016). For the second year in a row in India, monsoon rains have been scarce, snowmelt limited, and ground water levels have fallen. The falling river level has caused power plants to go offline, stranded river barges and caused shortages of drinking and washing water (ibid.).

Argentina’s Child Abuse?

“Lulu, a six-year-old Argentine child who was listed as a boy at birth, has been granted new identification papers by the Buenos Aires provincial government listing her as a girl” (Christian Post, March 22, 2016).
