| Tomorrow's World

Sad Songs

Music plays a role in countless human lives. Emotions, memories, and even spirituality can be bound up in music. God is a lover of good songs, too.

Music lovers, particularly country music, blues, and some pop or rock tunes, listen to a steady stream of sad songs with lyrics and melodies about lost love, broken relationships, conditions of poverty, and depression. Love songs are big too, but the plaintive sounds of marital strife, separation, and discord dominate the various genres.

Starving Children!

“Nearly five million people in Somalia are suffering from a shortage of food due to poor rainfall, floods and displacement, the United Nations says. More than 300,000 children under the age of five are severely malnourished and require urgent assistance… Malnutrition levels in Somalia have increased over the last six months with nearly half the population affected. The number of people without enough food has increased by 300,000 since February” (BBC, September 20, 2016).

Anti-Americanism Is Alive in Europe

Today in Europe, many politicians fear a Donald Trump presidency. But, he has secret fans, especially in Germany. “No European politician will say so publicly, but to some on the Continent, Trump presents a once-in-a-generation opportunity for emancipation from American influence” (Politico, September 21, 2016). A growing animosity toward the U.S. is actually uniting Europe: “the evils of U.S.

Why Peace Seekers Fail

“Pope Francis joined 400 religious leaders in an interfaith prayer service for peace at Assisi on September 20, marking the 30th anniversary of the historic event organized by St. John Paul II” (Catholic Culture, September 20, 2016).

For Signs and Seasons

Clearing out a neglected inbox where non-urgent, personal emails have accumulated can be a daunting task—perhaps somewhat similar to figuring out what to do with mounds of paper mail. There’s always the temptation to hold on to certain things for just a little while longer—the “I might need that later” justification. Not to mention the assortment of paperwork that we do need to keep, both electronic and hard copy. So, with bravery and a bit of cheerfulness, I tackled my inbox one evening, realizing I could delay no longer.
