| Tomorrow's World

Noah, Sodom and Today

In the Bible, in the part known to many as the Old Testament, the ancient patriarch Noah is famous for building the ark to save his family from a great flood that destroyed mankind. The ancient city of Sodom was dramatically destroyed for its wickedness. What do they have in common with today?

Life on Easy Street

Some expressions in the vernacular, that is “words used on the street,” express an idea in a way that more formal expressions just can’t match. Such an expression is “on Easy Street.” Someone who has just received a great windfall that transforms their economic circumstances from being meager to being set for life might use the expression, “I’m on Easy Street now!”

Science and the Power of Forgiveness

“‘Do not go to bed angry’ is common advice for couples who want to improve their relationship, and it may have a scientific backing. Researchers have found out that negative, emotionally-charged memories, like the ones that follow an argument, were harder to suppress after a good night’s sleep” (IB Times, November 29, 2016).

Italy To Challenge Marriage Fidelity

Italian lawmakers are seeking to change the traditional view of fidelity within marriage. “Married couples in Italy will no longer have to pledge fidelity to each other under a draft law being considered by Parliament… The promise not to cheat is a ‘cultural legacy from an outdated and obsolete view of marriage, family, and the rights and duties of spouses’, according to a dozen senators backing the bill. The amendment was presented by Laura Cantini, a senator… who has described the change as a step forward from what she called the ‘legacy of an outdated vision of marriage’.

Why We Talk about News and Prophecy

We are sometimes asked why we take time each week to discuss news in the light of Bible prophecy. Some feel Bible prophecy is depressing or scary. Others wonder about its spiritual value. So why do it?
