| Tomorrow's World

If Walls Could Talk…

The ruins of an ancient wall built in 122 AD at the northern boundary of Britannia are still clearly visible. Emperor Hadrian built the wall for border control against the barbarians in this remote part of the Roman Empire. Was it successful in fulfilling its purpose? Only temporarily; the empire eventually collapsed, and the northern tribes poured over the wall.

"Losing" to Win

Winning is achieving victory, but losing is failing to achieve victory. Sometimes, in order to win, we must first lose.

Herb Cohen, an internationally known negotiator, is generally credited for coining the term “win-win” in 1963. Since then, we've heard the “win-win” term applied to many things—always indicating that both parties will benefit from a proposed action.

British School Could Be "Cutting Edge"

The Independent reports that the prestigious Highgate School north of London may adopt a “gender neutral” dress code allowing boys to wear pleated skirts “in response to growing numbers of children questioning their gender” (May 14, 2017).

Consequences of Corruption

Overshadowed by the fireworks of the Middle East, “The drug war in Mexico was ranked 2016’s second deadliest conflict in the world, with only the war in Syria being labelled worse” (IB Times, May 10, 2017).

A Muslim-Christian Clash Coming?

According to a recent study by the Pew Research Center, “Muslims are projected to be the world’s fastest-growing major religious group in the decades ahead” (PewForum.org, April 5, 2017). The study indicates that births to families which identify as Muslim are projected to surpass births of those who identify as Christian, especially in Europe.
