The world order that has prevailed since World War II is disintegrating. Tensions between nuclear-armed powers is growing, and the possibility of global warfare seems higher than it has been in decades. The Bible reveals that “World War III” is, indeed, coming—but it also offers a hope-filled message about the world that awaits on the other side of that conflict!
The world order that has prevailed since World War II is disintegrating. Tensions between nuclear-armed powers is growing, and the possibility of global warfare seems higher than it has been in decades. The...
Was the Protestant movement a sincere attempt to restore New Testament Christianity? Do the “fruits” show that it was motivated and guided by the Spirit of God? Read the startling TRUTH in this fourth...
Do you have a family cow? It’s quite likely that you don’t, and it’s likely that none of your neighbors do either. But if you lived in the 18th or 19th centuries, chances are you’d have a cow, a horse, or...
Last year, the Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards (DofE) for young people entered its 60th year. In all that time it has become phenomenally successful, and has grown to be the world’s leading youth achievement...
Life is short! It’s much shorter than we might have thought when we first became aware that someday our lives would come to an end. Young lovers sometimes romanticize about marrying, raising families, and...
It seems that no place is entirely safe from violence and terrorism. The memory of September 11, 2001 remains a painful scar on the national consciousness of the United States, but terrorism is a ...
While our society claims to be making progress toward a more peaceful spirit, the popularity of “Ultimate Fighting” and similar bloody sports gives evidence to the contrary.
I regret the passing of Dr. Roderick C. Meredith. I have been listening to him for over 20 years on radio and TV and have joined the Tomorrow’s World Magazine Bible studies, so I have come to know...
Many will long remember the “great eclipse” of 2017. Some believe that it was some kind of sign from God. And many believe that a similar solar eclipse marked the Crucifixion and death of Jesus. What really happened at Jesus’ death was both amazing and well-documented—but it was no mere solar eclipse!
Due to an unusually hot and dry summer, Portugal has requested help from Europe to combat forest fires on a scale not seen in recent memory. Thousands of firefighters are battling hundreds of blazes around the nation (Reuters, August 13, 2017).
U.S. public health officials have discovered fleas infected with the bubonic plague—sometimes called the “Black Death”—in the state of Arizona. This is the same bacterium that killed millions of people in Europe in the fourteenth century.