| Tomorrow's World

Lung Cancer Doubled Among Non-Smokers

Recent studies in the UK suggest that lung cancer rates among those who have never smoked have doubled in the last ten years, and this increase may be related to severe air pollution (The Times, August 12, 2017).

Cholera Kills Thousands in Yemen

In the last five months, the deadly diarrheal disease known as cholera has infected over half a million people and killed about 2,000 so far—mostly children and the elderly (Deutsche Welle, August 14, 2017). The disease results from water and food supplies that are contaminated by dirty, sewage-laden water. Sadly, there is not enough clean water to improve conditions that are causing the epidemic, and there are not enough doctors or hospitals to treat the sick.

Nations Focus on Defense

Although defense spending has dropped in some nations—mainly in Africa and oil-producing countries—many nations are building up their defense capabilities. Iran’s leadership recently voted to boost missile and other defense spending by over $500 million (BBC, August 13, 2017).

Letters to the Editor

I regret the passing of Dr. Roderick C. Meredith. I have been listening to him for over 20 years on radio and TV and have joined the Tomorrow’s World Magazine Bible studies, so I have come to know him and love him. To his family and many friends, be encouraged, we will see him again in the life to come. I will know him personally then.
Reader in Jamaica

Questions and Answers

Did God Tell Peter to Eat Unclean Animals?
