| Tomorrow's World

Christmas or Passover?

Christmas is perhaps the most popular holiday in the world. People from a variety of perspectives and societies—from the devoutly religious who cry, “put Christ back in Christmas,” to famous atheists like Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris—participate in some form of Christmas celebrations. With Christmas rapidly approaching, let’s make what some may consider a strange comparison: Christmas versus Passover.

2024 January-February Issue

Desert tank Israeli war

“Masada Shall Not Fall Again”

  • Gerald E. Weston

What is the source of the nation of Israel’s resilience? Modern Israelis swear never to allow another Masada or Holocaust—but what does Bible prophecy say about Israel’s future?

Arab fighter black and green

The True Cause of Trouble in the Middle East!

  • Mario Hernández

Only God’s word can explain the true root of the conflicts that continually surround the modern nation of Israel. And understanding the identity of the ancient peoples around the Holy Land is the key.

Israel map

Monsters Descended on Israel

  • Wallace G. Smith

When will a day of reckoning come for terrorists and insurgents like those who committed the atrocities of October 7? Who can bring true justice and peace to the Middle East?

Golden apple golden rule wisdom

Remembering Jesus’ Golden Rule

  • Josh Lyons

One of the most profound rules of morality and spiritual success came straight from the teachings of Jesus Christ. Have you made it your mission statement?

Happy father, mother and daughter

Smartphone Anxiety? Read a Book!

  • Rod McNair

Do you struggle to control how much you use your phone? You can help your family master this powerful technology!

News text with magnifying glass


  • Editorial Staff

Mark 13:37 | “And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!

A personal message from the Editor in Chief

Choose to Give Your Life to Others

  • Gerald E. Weston

What is the true path toward living a giving way of life? And what are the benefits of doing so?

Canadian soldiers marching

Canada Chooses Chaos

  • Stuart Wachowicz

How far from biblical truth and morality will Canada and the rest of Western society fall before confusion gives way to catastrophe?

Honey fungus on a tree

The Behemoth Beneath Our Feet

  • Bryan Fall

Much of the grandeur of our Creator’s design is hidden from our view—including the largest single organism on the planet.

Holy Bible image with Q & A speech bubble

How Should We Keep the Sabbath Holy?

  • Editorial Staff

God commanded the seventh day Sabbath as a statute to be kept for all time, but how should it be kept so as to fully please God?

Dear Tomorrow's World letter in red envelope

Letters to TW

  • Editorial Staff

Tell us what you think!


Need a Guide?

We have all used various kinds of guides, whether a tour guide in a museum or historic site, a guide in a national park wilderness area, an education or career guidance counselor, or even a GPS helping us to our destination in the city or country. We especially need a guide through the wilderness of spiritual deception in the world today.

When Philip asked a man from Ethiopia if he understood what he was reading in the book of Isaiah, the Ethiopian answered, “How can I, unless someone guides me?” (Acts 8:31).

The Future of Migrants Who Die

Growing numbers of migrants have died crossing the Mediterranean from Africa to Europe. Many more are dying after arrival and are buried in unmarked graves. According to The Guardian, “at least 1,015 men, women and children who died at the borders of Europe in the past decade were buried before they were identified…. These, however, are the tip of the iceberg.

Too Many Migrants in Europe?

For the last decade, record levels of migrants have crossed sea and land borders into Europe, most of them hoping for a better, safer life. But Europeans are coming to realize that the current rates of immigration are unsustainable (The Telegraph, December 8, 2023).
