Today there is growing animosity between Russia and the West—Europe, Britain and the United States. Some experts note that “China, Russia, India, Turkey, Iran, and others are seeking to carve out a new space for themselves in the newly emerging international system, as the United States is struggling to redefine its place and identity in the new world” (Oxford Research Group, January 2, 2018). “Although the West continues to possess the power of influence, Western leaders have not been effective in using such power.
The old saying “Truth is a rare commodity” seems truer today than ever before. Truth is always valuable and investing in this commodity is always wise—particularly as it becomes rarer.
Let’s face it: lies, deceits, falsehoods, misrepresentations, omissions, and so-called “spin” are rampant. If we have even a modicum of experience, we have grown rightly skeptical of all claims, no matter the source, whether in print, on television, or on the Internet. Nothing, it seems, can be trusted to be factual or accurate. Everything is suspect. The world is full of liars.
As a child, I remember my first “lesson” in chemistry. Somewhere, I obtained a little plastic boat—it probably came in a box of cereal or Cracker Jacks—into which one could put baking soda and vinegar. The chemical reaction propelled the little boat. Little did I know that this chemical reaction is mentioned in the Bible.
Raising a family is no small task. When we grasp the enormity of what we are doing, shaping and molding little minds, it should make us stop to think. How do I care for this new human being? What if I don’t know what to do? Where can I look for answers to raise healthy, successful kids? Let’s examine three vital principles to successful parenting.
Some people today believe various secret societies are plotting to engineer a one-world government. Bible prophecy predicts an end-time world power that will dominate the world trade, and that will lead humanity to the brink of total self-destruction! Your Bible also reveals that God Almighty will replace that power with His benevolent one-world government served by the King of kings.