| Tomorrow's World

Financial Crisis Further Divides Europe

“The European Experiment”—a description applied to the European Union by many—is in serious trouble. Old divides that have plagued the continent for centuries are reemerging. A couple of weeks ago, EU leaders met to come up with a unified financial response to the COVID-19 pandemic but struggled to agree (Reuters, March 27, 2020).

A New Normal?

“The new normal” is an idiom expressing that a significant change has occurred and become commonplace. For example, in the last few decades, it has become commonplace for us to use personal computers and cell phones to now do much of our shopping online. That is a new normal. Many new “normals” are emerging, but are all of them good?

Where is God in the Coronavirus Pandemic?

Editor's Note: Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic last year, the world has seen many changes and countless people have suffered hardship and loss, both due to the virus and to the effects of nations’ efforts to combat it. As restrictions are being relaxed in various states and countries, it would be unwise to forget the spiritual lessons this experience has highlighted for us.

Global Oil Industry Threatened

The Financial Times makes a grave case concerning the impact of the current pandemic: “It is no exaggeration to say the oil industry faces its gravest crisis of the past 100 years” (March 24, 2020). As many citizens of industrialized nations settle into life at home, travel by land, sea, and air has fallen drastically. Experts estimate that between 10 and 25 percent of global oil consumption could disappear in the coming months.

More “Progressive” Abortion Laws

New Zealand recently passed what many view as a “progressive” law that allows abortion—no questions asked—up until 20 weeks of pregnancy (New York Times, March 18, 2020). Previously, New Zealand was one of just a few industrialized nations that still viewed abortion as a criminal act.
