| Tomorrow's World

The Hope of the Dead

Man reaching towards a wall of clouds with doves

Almost no question has haunted the minds of human beings more than that of whether there is life after death—and, today, many intellectual giants would have you believe that the only rational answer is “No.” Are they right? Is there an afterlife, or is death the end?

The Truth About Anti-Semitism

Hands cupping a tattered star of David

The history of Jewish persecution reveals more about the war against morals, religion, and godly wisdom than many realize. What is the true, evil root of this persistent hatred against the descendants of Israel—and how does it concern you?

Coming Conflict in Europe

Governments around the globe are creating legislation to “protect” LGBTQ+ individuals. Ironically, they are doing so while denying the rights of those with biblical values. Recently, the European parliament passed a resolution overwhelmingly in favor of declaring the 27 member nations of the European Union an LGBT “freedom zone” (Associated Press, March 10, 2021).

Canadian Bill Could Criminalize Therapy

Canadian Bill C-6 is now before the House of Commons. This broadly written bill would criminalize any attempts at “conversion therapy” aimed at helping men and women continue to present or return to presenting as their biological gender. If passed, the bill would also make it a crime for anyone—including churches, ministers, and Christian counselors—to encourage anyone under age 18 to value their God-given gender and reject the pressures of sex and gender confusion that our secular society is pushing at them.

Are American Moral Values On a Downward Spiral?

Gallup has been conducting a fascinating poll for almost 20 years on where Americans stand on big moral issues. This eye-opening information provides an overview of a very interesting trend: that Americans’ views on many moral issues are rapidly departing from the morals established in the Bible.

Gallup reports the following trends of American opinions on several moral issues. The percentages reflect Americans who said that the stated behaviors are “morally acceptable”:
