| Tomorrow's World

2022 January Issue

Dome of the rock

The Dangerous “Times of the Gentiles”

  • Richard F. Ames (1936-2024)

“Jerusalem: Trampled by Gentiles!” is not a headline anyone would expect to see in the news today, but in the Bible, it is a sure prophecy. Do you understand its real meaning?

Woman running at sunset willpower concept

Power to Prevail

  • Rod McNair

Do you want to have more willpower? You can—if you rely on the ultimate source of power!

Mother kissing sleeping baby

Seven Lies About Abortion

  • Wallace G. Smith

Abortion is often sold using popular falsehoods, and the consequences to self and society are worse than many have been led to believe. What is the truth about abortion, and will society ever be free from...

EU flag for Schuman Concept

The “Venerable” Robert Schuman

  • VG Lardé

What does the founding of the European Union—and its architects—have to do with Bible prophecy?

Janus statue

The Two Faces of New Year’s Celebration

  • Gary F. Ehman (1937–2021)

Have you taken an honest look at the traditions behind the revelries?

Queen Elizabeth II walking

The Queen: A Royal Vocation

  • John Meakin

In a world beset with constant strife, what is the value of one venerable monarch’s tireless example?

Editor in Chief: Gerald E. Weston

The Elect and the Salvation of All Mankind

  • Gerald E. Weston

Did Jesus die for everyone, or just the “elect”?



  • Editorial Staff

Mark 13:37 | “And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!

X-ray image of hand for bones concept

Your Living Bones

  • Bryan Fall

Though you rarely see them as you go about your day, your bones really are an amazing display of God’s creative power at work!

Questions and Answers

Questions and Answers

  • Editorial Staff

Is abortion a sin? Does the Bible really teach that abortion is murder?

Letters to TW

Letters to TW

  • Editorial Staff

Tell us what you think!


The Dangerous “Times of the Gentiles”

Dome of the rock

“Jerusalem: Trampled by Gentiles!” is not a headline anyone would expect to see in the news today, but in the Bible, it is a sure prophecy. Do you understand its real meaning?

Weather Extremes Should Be Expected

Weather patterns around the globe in 2021 seemed incredibly severe, and at the same time, confusing. In fact, the contrast has even surprised some scientists who have seen severe flooding in places like China, across Asia, and in European mountain villages (The Conversation, December 21, 2021), while at the same time, intensifying droughts plagued Canada, Greece, Australia, and the U.S.

Myanmar Military Killings: A Need for Righteous Government!

How badly does this world need the return of Jesus Christ? Many reading this news item live comfortably and in relative peace. However, we need to consider the living conditions of our fellow men and women around the globe. The BBC recently completed an investigation in Myanmar, which experienced another a military coup back last February.

2022 in Bible Prophecy

Disaster upon disaster: Civil unrest, gas prices, catastrophic winter storms, cyber attack, fires, inflation, empty grocery shelves, fuel shortages, widespread drought, supply chain breakdown—when have all of these serious problems occurred simultaneously or without time to recover? Let's look at the events of 2021 and what to expect in 2022, based on Bible prophecy.

[The text below represents an edited transcript of this Tomorrow’s World program.]

Tomorrow’s World Predicts…

Our world is becoming more unstable and dangerous, and many concerned people are beginning to ask themselves serious questions. Is a war on the horizon? Are we heading for a financial meltdown? Are we entering a time of hyper-inflation? What about the supply chain? And will I be able to feed my family?

War, civil unrest, financial meltdowns, inflation, empty grocery shelves, and widespread drought affecting food supplies have always been possibilities somewhere in the world at some time, but when have all of these problems been a serious concern at the same time in our Western nations?

Each year at this time, we here at Tomorrow’s World, give you trends to look for in the coming year and beyond. On last year’s program titled 2021 in Bible Prophecy, I gave one prediction. How accurate was it? I’ll answer that question with a review of this past year, before giving you three predictions for 2022 and beyond—straight from the pages of your Bible.

A Year in Review—Or Two

Welcome to Tomorrow’s World, where we give you advance news from the pages of the Bible. And along with the bad news in today’s world, we look forward to the greatest good news of all—the sure hope of the return of Jesus Christ to straighten out the mess we’ve created.

At the beginning of last year, I reviewed the predictions and trends that Mr. Wallace Smith and I gave for 2019 and 2020; showing that every one of our predictions was right on target, including Mr. Wallace Smith’s warning of disease epidemics. And, by the way, that program was recorded several months prior to COVID being on anyone’s radar. After reviewing the previous two years, I gave one prediction for 2021.

Today we reviewed predictions and trends proclaimed by Tomorrow’s World the last two years. Then I said I would give you a single trend to watch in 2021 and the immediate years following. We cannot know the exact timing, but the trend is certain: There will be disaster upon disaster for America and the British descended peoples.

Notice how the prophet Ezekiel describes what is ahead for the Anglosphere:

Destruction comes; they will seek peace, but there shall be none. Disaster will come upon disaster, and rumor will be upon rumor. Then they will seek a vision from a prophet; but the law will perish from the priest, and counsel from the elders. “The king will mourn, The prince will be clothed with desolation, and the hands of the common people will tremble. I will do to them according to their way, and according to what they deserve I will judge them; then they shall know that I am the LORD!” (Ezekiel 7:25–27).

The prediction of disaster upon disaster was not something I dreamed up, but as shown in this clip, it comes from the biblical book of Ezekielchapter 7 and verse 26. Disasters of one sort or another happen from time to time, but this passage predicts one major disaster stacked upon another. It’s predicting extraordinary times. Did we see this in 2021?

I cannot remember a year in my lifetime where more catastrophic events were piled one upon another, but don’t take my word for it. So much happened in 2021 that I only have time to briefly mention these extraordinary events, so let’s get started with a quick “year in review.” It didn’t take long for disaster number 1—January 6.

#1: The storming of U.S. Capitol Building

Need I say more? But two weeks later disaster, disaster #2 struck. January 20, the day he took office, President Biden cancelled the Keystone XL pipeline, which would have brought crude oil from Canada to refineries on the Gulf Coast. This was only the first shot in what has turned out to be a war on fossil fuels that has left both America and its Canadian ally in the cold—pun intended—as seen from this October 14, 2021 story out of New York:

  “Winter heating bills set to jump as inflation hits home”

Get ready to pay sharply higher bills for heating this winter, along with seemingly everything else.

With prices surging worldwide for heating oil, natural gas and other fuels, the U.S. government said Wednesday it expects households to see their heating bills jump as much as 54% compared to last winter (Associated Press, October 13, 2021).

Gasoline prices have also skyrocketed, and ironically, while waging war on American and Canadian producers, the President has begged OPEC to ramp up supplies. Now if this sounds political, it’s not intended to beit’s just the facts. America had recently become energy independent, but the war on gas, oil, and coal has ended that independence.

Some would say the war on fossil fuels is a blessing rather than a disaster. And truly, the subject is controversial—but not for people on low or fixed incomes shivering in their homes or having to choose between food, and fuel to fill their gas tanks for work. So forget the politics. For millions, the war on fossil fuels is an unmitigated disaster. So 2021 disaster #2 is:

#2: The consequences of the war on fossil fuels

The mob taking over the Capitol on January 6 and the war on fossil fuels were only the beginning. It didn’t take long for another major disaster to strike. February 11–20 brought disaster #3:

#3: The historic winter storms that slammed Texas and the Central Plains states

A series of storms struck one after another and brought life to a standstill, disrupting the flow of important goods to the rest of the country. Temperatures dropped in Texas as low as 6 degrees F (-14 C), and the accompanying catastrophic ice storms brought down trees and power lines. Ice and freezing temperatures also halted electricity producing wind turbines, thus shutting down the power grid over a large swath of the state.

The National Weather Service reported on the magnitude of the storms:

This was one of the most impactful winter events in recent history that brought multiday road closures, power outages, loss of heat, broken pipes, and other societal impacts for the region. While the damage is still being assessed, this will likely go down as the first billion dollar disaster of 2021 globally, and potentially the most costly weather disaster for the state of Texas in history, surpassing even Hurricane Harvey from 2017 (“Valentine’s Week Winter Outbreak 2021: Snow, Ice, & Record Cold,” National Weather Service, Weather.gov).

Crisis After Crisis—Where Is It All Leading?

The crisis at America’s southern border began early in the year and it grew with each passing month. Hundreds of thousands of migrants from Central and South America, from Africa, Asia, and the Middle East crossed into the United States illegally through Mexico. Many were bussed and flown to distant cities during the early morning hours in an attempt to hide the scope of the problem. And with this flood of humanity have also come drugs, gang members, and, almost certainly, terrorists. It will take time before we know the full impact of an open border, but there WILL be consequences, so 2021 disaster number 4 is:

#4: The crisis at America’s southern border

Disaster number five was both unexpected and disheartening. New vaccines held out hope that humanity would be freed from the grip of the COVID-19 virus, but then came the Delta variant, and America and most of the rest of the world saw their hope dashed. COVID in 2021 turned out to be worse than 2020. Note this headline from MSN on October 7, 2021:

“Number of U.S. Covid deaths in 2021 surpasses death toll of 2020” (MSN.com, July 10, 2021).

And this, with the better part of three months left in the year! So disaster #5 was:

#5: The Delta variant and continuing COVID-19 pandemic

Cyberattacks are more common and more costly than most people realize. There was the May 7 ransomware attack on the Houston based Colonial pipeline that stopped the flow of fuel to the Southeastern and Mid-Atlantic states. And even after it began flowing again, it took days for it to reach its destinations. It was reported that the company paid out five million dollars to resolve the problem, though a portion was recovered, according to reports. Before the month of May ended, JBS, the world’s largest meat packing plant, was hit with a similar attack, shutting down plants in North America and Australia. JBS reportedly paid 11 million dollars to avoid a long shutdown, and this does not include lost revenue and wages and a host of other expenses. These two events are only the more public examples of a very real ongoing cyberwar, and this is why our sixth disaster is:

#6: The ongoing silent cyberwar

This war is real, costing city, state, and federal governments; television stations; credit reporting agencies; banks; nuclear plants; and thousands of public and privately owned companies; as well as individuals, far more than any natural disaster.

These attacks go on daily and unless they affect you personally, they mostly go unnoticed—deliberately so, as no company wants the negative publicity associated with a successful attack. Some attacks steal trade secrets or personal information. Other attacks extort millions in cryptocurrency. But ominously, countries silently probe their enemy’s military and infrastructure in preparation for a shooting war.

My friends, 2021 saw even greater catastrophes! There is not nearly enough time in this program to remind you of all the challenges we faced in 2021. Nor do we have time to cover all the news in advance from the pages of the Bible. Will Jesus return soon to straighten out the mess? He gave signs to indicate when His return was near

Increasing Tribulation, As Jesus Christ Predicted

But before going further, let’s quickly review the first six that I’ve mentioned:

#1: The storming of the Capitol on January 6

#2: The consequences of the war on fossil fuels

#3: The disastrous storms that hit Texas and the Southern Plains

#4: The crisis at America’s southern border

#5: The Delta variant and continuing COVID-19 pandemic

#6: The ongoing silent cyberwar

But, by many accounts, the greatest calamity of 2021 was the manner in which the United States pulled out of Afghanistan. This was a humiliating disaster of monumental proportions. America’s friends are re-evaluating their trust in the waning superpower, and America’s enemies are licking their lips. Note this op-ed published in The Hill on August 30, under the headline:

  “In Afghanistan, we’ve opened the gates of hell.”

The article went on to say, with a reference to Winston Churchill after Neville Chamberlain’s appeasement of Adolf Hitler:

President Joe Biden’s debacle will have no such savior; the Islamic jihad isn’t that kind of war. Instead of getting us out of Afghanistan, and bringing peace in our time, he’s opened the gates of hell. In one disastrous and grossly ill-conceived strategic move, Biden has armed and empowered the Taliban and elated every Muslim fanatic from Morocco to Mindanao. Not since 9/11 have events so galvanized our enemies — U.S. forces abandoning the field; the Afghan military laying down arms; and the Taliban reestablishing their Islamic Emirate (The Hill, August 30, 2021).

So disaster #7 is:

#7: The humiliating manner in which America left Afghanistan 

For the sake of time, let me mention a few others with only brief comments.

#8: The breakdown in the supply chain

This one is so noticeable that little else needs to be said, but who would have thought of this a year ago.

#9: Inflation

This too is huge, but again, no need to say much. We all see it on a daily basis and those on low or fixed incomes feel it the most. Then there’s #10:

#10: Worker shortages

Governments have borrowed to pay people not to work. How incongruous to see “Help wanted signs” everywhere, yet panhandlers and homeless encampments popping up all over. While unemployment stats are low, it’s reported that five million American workers have dropped out of the workforce. And this worker shortage is compounded by #11.

No matter where you stand on the subject, one thing is for certain—policemen, pilots, truck drivers, healthcare workers, and critical workers from many industries chose to quit their jobs rather than take the jabs. Many of those who put their lives on the line and were hailed as heroes during the height of the pandemic were cast aside. So that’s why #11 is:

#11: Vaccine mandates

Here is one more problem which only got worse in 2021:

#12: Nations divided against themselves regarding masks, vaccines, immigration, climate change, and so much more

Civil society is breaking down, and no matter which side one may be on regarding these issues, citizens of America, Canada, Australia, South Africa, France, the Netherlands, Germany, just to name some, have lost confidence in their governments and their citizens are becoming restless. 

Tomorrow’s World prediction for 2021 was “disaster upon disaster.” Can anyone deny that 2021 was a disaster for America? And I don’t have time to go into the droughts, bush fires, floods, and a mice plague in Australia, nor the fuel shortages in the United Kingdom, nor the record breaking drought and deteriorating state of affairs in South Africa, nor the worst oil spill in Israel’s history.

Prophecies Fulfilled in 2022

There are many more, such as the extreme drought over most of the western United States and Canada. The town of Lytton, British Columbia, located about 100 miles north of the U.S. border, recorded an astonishing 121.3 degrees F (49.6 C), and that was before it was wiped off the map by a wildfire.

So, what can we look forward to in 2022 and beyond according to Bible prophecy? None of us here at Tomorrow’s World are prophets. We simply read the Bible and draw your attention to what it says. The problem is that we cannot know exactly WHEN some events will take place, but we can know the big picture. So what should we expect for 2022 and the years that follow?

Jesus took His disciples out to the Mount of Olives where they asked:

Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age? (Matthew 24:3).

It’s clear from many prophecies that a better age, a new world, is coming. That better world will be the result of the second coming of Jesus Christ—an event that will shock the world. That will not happen in 2022 or even for a few years later, but it will happen. In fact, you had better hope it will happen, because if it doesn’t, we’ll literally annihilate ourselves—so said Jesus. Here it is in Matthew 24:21–22:

For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened (Matthew 24:21–22).

Some scoff at the idea that Christ must return to save mankind from destruction, or even that He will return at all. They have what the Apostle Peter spoke of as a kind of historical uniformitarianism. Here’s what he predicted for our time, as found in his second letter, chapter 3, and verses 3–4:

… knowing this first: that scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts, and saying, “Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation” (2 Peter 3:3–4).

But everything is not continuing the same. Our world is becoming more dangerous with every passing year. The prophet Ezekiel also noted this same attitude among skeptics who foolishly claim prophecy has failed. Chapter 12, in verses 27–28:

Son of man, look, the house of Israel is saying, “The vision that he sees is for many days from now, and he prophesies of times far off.” Therefore say to them, “Thus says the Lord GOD: ‘None of My words will be postponed any more, but the word which I speak will be done,’ says the Lord GOD.”

We must be humble enough to recognize that we do not know the month or year when the prophecies of Jacob’s trouble (as Jeremiah refers to it) fully set in, but we are clearly close to that time. If the last two years are any indication, time is running out for the British-descended and American peoples to change before it is too late. So here’s trend #1 to watch for in 2022 and beyond:

Trend #1: When you think it cannot get any worse, it will! 

Yes there will be ups and downs. There will be periods that look good, but the overall picture is clear—continual disasters upon the British-descended and American peoples due to our sins. Therefore trend number 2 for 2022 and the years that follow:

Trend #2: Disaster upon disaster will continue

That prediction comes from Ezekiel 7 and verse 26, which we read at the beginning of this program: “Disaster will come upon disaster….” But notice there is a second pronouncement in that verse—“… and rumor will come upon rumor.” So our last trend to watch is the continuation of something that sadly already exists:

Trend #3: Rumor upon rumor will grow worse

Has there ever been a greater time filled with conspiracy theories and rumors than today—all fueled by social media and the Internet? Expect rumors, conspiracy theories, and fake news from every conceivable source to continue.

But the good news is that when things truly cannot get any worse, our Creator will step in to save us from our insanity. He will then set up a world-ruling kingdom that will bring peace and prosperity to ALL the world. War and disease will come to an end and people will learn to get along with one another. That’s the message of Tomorrow’s World.

Thank you for watching! To find out what trends to watch for in 2022, order your free copy of Fourteen Signs Announcing Christ’s Return by clicking the link in the description. Remember to subscribe to our channel so you can continue to learn the truth as given in the Bible. See you next time.
