| Tomorrow's World

The New Racism

White and black heads or outlines drawn on a chalkboard

Critical Race Theory and related philosophies are stirring passionate controversy and debate. But what does the theory really mean? What does the Creator of mankind think of its central ideas? And when will humanity finally see an end to racial strife and inequality?

Who Wants to Live Forever?

Elderly hands on a cane

Is there an afterlife, and if so, what will everlasting life be like—and what will you do with it? It’s a question that has haunted mankind from the very beginning—or has it? Did the God who created everything we see put us on earth for this one lifetime, or did He impart knowledge of mankind’s true destiny beyond death, somewhere in the pages of your Bible?

Ireland at 100

Ireland at 100

Will Ireland ever unite, or will all or part of it leave the United Kingdom? What will the outcome mean for the future of both Brexit and the EU? After a century of trial and trouble, Ireland may be facing greater uncertainty than ever.

9/11 Twenty Years Later

World Trade Center memorial lights with cityscape

Two decades ago, people awoke to find that Al Qaeda extremists had destroyed the Twin Towers, leaving America—and much of the world—in tears and anger. A generation later, we find ourselves waking up to a very different world—one with new threats and new sorrows, over which too few are now “sighing and crying.”

Will Children Become Our Oppressors?

A recent video produced and published by the U.S. government—featuring representatives of the Departments of Justice, Education, and Health and Human Services—encourages children who consider themselves “transgender” to contact the federal government if they feel they are being discriminated against at school (Fox News, August 17, 2021).
