| Tomorrow's World

World Rivers Polluted with Drugs

A recent York University study of over 250 rivers in over 100 countries around the globe determined that many rivers are contaminated with pharmaceutical drugs. According to the BBC, “more than a quarter of the 258 rivers sampled had what are known as ‘active pharmaceutical ingredients’ present at a level deemed unsafe for aquatic organisms” (February 15, 2022). The study found high levels of paracetamol (a pain killer), nicotine, caffeine, and drugs used to treat epilepsy and diabetes.

Wheat Prices Soar!

With the outbreak of war in Ukraine, oil prices are soaring, but so are the prices of grains. Russia and Ukraine supply a quarter of global wheat exports, while Egypt is the world’s largest wheat importer (The Guardian, March 7, 2022). Tunisia for example, imports half of its wheat from Ukraine. Ukraine also produces 13 percent of global corn/maize exports.

A World Held Captive

The ancient Greek Myth of Daedalus and Icarus tell the fascinating tale of a daring attempt to gain freedom. That which was supposed to set Icarus free ultimately imprisoned him even further. Sadly, there are many parallels between this story and that of mankind. How many inventions, movements and peace treaties have come along which have promised to set us free, yet the end result is the opposite? To put it another way, in terms of solving the worlds most basic problems, how often does it feel as though we take three steps forward, only to fall five more back?

Can You Know God’s Plan?

There is one fundamental Biblical question which arises frequently and yet is all too often met with a collective shrug of the shoulders, a meaningless platitude or an answer that doesn’t match what we see in the world around us. This question is asked anytime we are faced with calamity, whether that be on an individual basis, or collectively. How often have others, with complete sincerity, offered “It’s all part of God’s plan” as a source of comfort in times of trouble? The problem is, that is often as far as anyone goes in describing that plan.

Don't Think It Can't Happen Here

Much of the world has been watching the invasion and destruction of Ukraine by Russia these past two weeks. Despite the buildup of forces on Ukraine’s borders for months, many did not think it would actually happen—a quirk of human nature. Could something similar happen in your country?
