| Tomorrow's World

What Is the Greatest Reality?

Milky Way galaxy over Australian coast

Many scientists and philosophers claim to be seeking the ultimate basis of reality. Yet they refuse to accept the evidence on display right before their eyes!

Europe’s “Great Reset”

Is the European Union on a collision course with Russia—or rushing toward a date with destiny? Bible prophecy warns that a world-ruling power will rise before Jesus Christ’s return, and the pressures of war, shifting alliances, and risk of economic collapse may just be the dynamic forces that bring about its birth—along with a great unifying religious movement.

Giants on a Sea of Grass

Cows in a sunset field

Far from being an eco-disaster, our bovine friends and the other ruminant, cud-chewers of our world are actually good the environment. Learn about the vital, replenishing role God designed them to play on the fields and prairies of planet earth.

The End of Pax Americana

President Biden in black and white

What will the end of American hegemony mean for diplomacy, the economy, and the world order of the past century? Nothing that is happening should be a surprise to those who understand Bible prophecy—and neither should what is going to happen in the years to come!

Monkeypox—Another Plague?

If you have been watching or reading world news, you are aware that another virus is spreading in small clusters in the UK (The Telegraph, May 18, 2022). It has also now been reported in Canada, the U.S., Portugal, Germany, Spain, and several other nations. Monkeypox, an infectious disease closely related to smallpox, originates from Africa and is typically spread among small mammals like rats, not monkeys!
