Many people claim that Jesus Christ “did away” with Old Testament food laws and other “restrictions,” but your entire Bible actually contains practical wisdom for how to live a healthier lifestyle and avoid...
Russia is misunderstood by many. There are forces as work within one of the largest countries in the world that will shape end-time events and the rise of the Beast of Revelation. What might lie ahead for...
Did the June 2022 SCOTUS decision on abortion settle the abortion controversy once and for all? Or did the end of Roe v. Wade simply mark the beginning of an even more contentious debate on an issue that...
In an online society increasingly drifting away from biblical values, bullying takes on an even more sinister edge. How can you teach your children to resist the no-holds-barred jungle of the cyber world?...
So many suffer in this world, and we should care about that. We should obey the command to “love thy neighbor.” But do we really? And is a better world near?
Have you ever noticed that when you think a lot, you feel tired? New research shows that there is a reason (, August 11, 2022)! When we tax our brains during a “long, grueling day sitting at a desk,” a chemical by-product is released (glutamate) that is toxic to the brain. We produce this chemical when we use our brains heavily, and it builds up in the pre-frontal cortex.
Monkeypox has public health and government officials worried. First identified in 1958 in a group of African monkeys, monkeypox was discovered in humans in 1970. The disease was mostly localized to several central and west African nations until 2022.
Recently, while driving through a mid-sized town, I saw a prominent flagpole flying the American flag—a flag that, as an American, myself, I have always loved and have been very thankful to call “my flag.” On that same flagpole, a little farther down, was another flag blowing in the wind—the “LGBT pride” flag. This is a common sight today, as many institutions of government, business, sports, and entertainment champion the LGBT movement.