| Tomorrow's World

Sex Sells ... Let the Buyer Beware!

It’s everywhere—lots of flesh, provocative poses, suggestive moves, lyrics and dialogue; all calculated to stir the passions of the listener or viewer, young or old, male or female. The appeal to the desire for physical pleasures is used to purvey every kind of product and service in every form of media. It’s slick. It’s colorful. It’s well done. And, it’s effective. Sadly, great talent and creative ability go into producing this literal flood of images and music, which leads people to focus on misusing something that is wonderful, when used as the Creator God intended.

The power to choose

We Americans pride ourselves in our freedom. Freedom of choice is a hallmark of our national identity and our heritage. We have the freedom to choose how we will live our lives. Sadly many individuals do not realize that freedom of choice carries the potential for great good in our lives as well as the potential for great harm.

Kosovo - Beginning of the Prophesied Tribulation?

The world has been witnessing one of the worst humanitarian disasters since World War II. The Balkans crisis has exacted a tragic human toll. According to NATO Spokesman Jamie Shea, over 912,000 ethnic Albanians have been made homeless or driven from the province of Kosovo. They've been subjected to oppression, atrocities, rape and murder. What will be the solution to their problem? What can the world learn from this? Where is this tragedy heading? Is it the beginning of the prophesied Great Tribulation?

Columbine High School Tragedy - Why?

On April 20, two high school students with pipe-bombs and automatic weapons murdered twelve students and one teacher, and then killed themselves. Schools are supposed to be a safe-haven for education and enlightenment, so the bloody violence shocks us even more.

As many facts came to light, one television reporter stated, "We now understand the how and the what, but we don't know the answer to WHY?" Yes, WHY did this tragedy occur? Both Newsweek Magazine and U.S. News & World Report magazine featured the probing three-letter word on their covers, "WHY?"

True Christians Need COURAGE

The enormous upheavals described in this month's lead article will test the mettle of every person on this planet. Many of those who are willing to seek the praise of God rather than the praise of men may go through unimaginable trials and persecutions. They will certainly need a high degree of courage and fortitude.
