| Tomorrow's World

Natural Disasters - Why?

The recent tornadoes in Oklahoma and Kansas caused death and terrible damage and disrupted thousands of lives. Our hearts go out to the victims of the great devastation. Already we know of 500 million dollars in property damage around Oklahoma City according to the Southwest Insurance Information Institute. And the damage is far more widespread than that coving parts of Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas and Tennessee. More than 12,000 cars have become twisted wrecks and several thousand homes have been damaged or destroyed. Some suggest that there will be more than one billion dollars in damages when the effects of these tornadoes—some in excess of 300 miles per hour—is fully known. But, do we understand WHY such tragedies happen? Can we learn something from the suffering and the pain they cause? Should we blame God or Satan or random chance?

Christians and Civil Leaders

Around the world, nations are losing their leaders of many years. Old statesmen are fading from the scene, and younger rulers are being replaced with STARTLING frequency. What does this mean for our world, and for our future? How should we react, as citizens and as Christians? What does the BIBLE say?

New SuperPower on the Rise

Are we nearing the end of the age? After NATO began its intense airstrikes against Yugoslavia, Russia quit its membership in NATO - and President Boris Yeltsin gave this warning: "I told NATO, the Americans, the Germans, don't push us toward military action. Otherwise there will be European war for sure and possibly world war."

Father's Day

As a father, I appreciate the honor given to me by my children. Each year, it is the custom across the length and breadth of our land to honor mothers and fathers on “their day.” Mothers are honored on “Mother’s Day,” and fathers are honored on “Father’s Day.” Do we appreciate that the basis for honoring our fathers and mothers stems from an ancient teaching that was given to our forefathers almost 3,500 years ago?

State of the Union - Overlooking the Obvious

On January 19, the President of the United States gave his annual State of the Union Address. He proclaimed that the nation is strong and prosperous. Indeed, some in the religious community expressed strong enthusiasm for the speech!

Yet, in all the rhetoric celebrating economic expansion and optimism for the future, there were two glaring omissions in the Address: First, the state of morality in our society; and Second, any major acknowledgment of the Source of our blessings along with our concomitant responsibilities to that Source!
