| Tomorrow's World

What Time Is It?

Time! Who can explain it? “Use it or lose it,” the experts say. All of us have the same amount of it, and it is never enough. There are many sayings about time, such as “Time marches on,” “Time waits for no man,” “Time is money” and “Time is fleeting.” Especially in today’s stressful, fast paced, high-pressure world, time is at a premium. People are constantly checking the time on their wristwatch or smartphone, or their computer—or on the radio or television.  Whatever time of life we are in, we seem to be pressed for time to accomplish what we need to do each day.

U.S. Secret Service scandal.

Just prior to President Obama’s arrival in Colombia for a conference with Latin American leaders, U.S. Secret Service and military personnel apparently held a party in a “secure hotel” with about 20 invited prostitutes.  As the news broke, the primary concern was that critical security details may have been leaked (Associated Press, April 17, 2012).  Sadly, the issue of immorality on the part of U.S. personnel took a “back seat” to concerns about security.

More Corn! Fewer Bees

Corn farmers in recent years have seen a growing demand for their crop, for processing into products as varied as ethanol gasoline and soda products. Seeking higher yields, many increasingly use insecticides—poisons—to "protect" their investments. These two trends have long been a source of controversy among nutritionists and ecologists, and now among biologists concerned about their effect on human and animal life and on our food supply.

Germany – A new mini-superpower.

The European financial crisis that began last year has nudged Germany into becoming a more assertive nation intent on pursuing its own course on the world stage.  According to a recent report (csmonitor.com, January 30, 2012), Germany’s postwar romance with Europe is coming to an end as the hard-working Germans are not willing to continue writing checks to bail out other European countries.

Beautiful Treasure

Many years ago, while exploring in the dark recesses of our attic, I saw a treasure. Someone had left a violin among the piles of old saved things. I knew this was a rare find, and that someday when I was older I would recover it and make beautiful music. Years went by before I retrieved the old violin, but after some string work I was ready to make music beyond my wildest dreams. Then, much to my surprise, I found that I needed something else I did not have.
