| Tomorrow's World

Do Not Speak Evil of a Ruler

Politicians the world over receive a lot of criticism. Opposing parties denigrate their opponents to win the hearts of the citizenry to their side. During election cycles the vilification is frenzied as attack upon attack is leveled. But should a Christian be caught up in reviling the leaders of their nation, state, or city?

While political opponents and their backers are quick to publicly malign each other, what should be the approach of one who follows Jesus Christ?

Adultery tarnishes men of valor.

Many were stunned when the highly respected U.S. General David Petraeus abruptly resigned as CIA Director, due to an extramarital affair.  The general was considered an exceptional battlefield tactician during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan where his leadership was praised both on and off the field.  His decision to commit adultery after 37 years of marriage did not reflect the type of leadership one would expect from a dedicated four-star general of the United States.


For many school-age children, there comes a time of accountability. Teachers and parents (not to mention children) know it well: the moment when, standing tall before their children, Mom or Dad asks, “Have you done your homework?” This is a big question and one that has far-reaching implications outside the classroom and into the adult world.

A Modern Pharaoh?

Egypt’s democratically elected, but Islamic Brotherhood-backed president, Mohammad Mursi, has brought about drastic changes since his election.  He “has issued a declaration banning challenges to his decrees, laws, and decisions” (BBC, November 22, 2012).  He has also declared that “no court can dissolve the constituent assembly, which is drawing up a new constitution” (ibid.).  Apparently emboldened by his recent success brokering a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, President Mursi recentl

Consider the Ant and Be Wise

Storms, wildfires, earthquakes, and other natural disasters have frequently dominated the news over the past several years. These catastrophes cause massive power outages, food shortages, and billions of dollars in damages to personal lives and property. Do we see these events, and think to ourselves, “Wow! I am glad that didn’t happen to me!” or are we asking ourselves the question, “Am I ready for such an event?” Natural disasters are going to happen, and sometimes they come without warning. Will you be ready when more disaster comes? Are you preparing like the ant?
