| Tomorrow's World

Cracks in the Franco-German relationship.

Since France and Germany signed the Elysee Treaty in 1963, the former enemies have developed a “common defense and security council, a financial and economic council and councils devoted to culture and environment” (Deutsche Welle, January 22, 2013).  They also have joint military efforts.

The Precipice

The presidential inauguration address on January 21, 2013 contained a phrase that should send a shudder of dismay to everyone who has any understanding of the Bible. Before a rapt audience, reported to be at least a million people on the Mall in Washington DC, and with millions more watching worldwide, President Obama declared: “Our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like everyone else under the law—for if we are to be truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well.”

The global leadership vacuum.

A German news magazine recently reported, “Global politics have come to a standstill in recent years, with the United States unwilling to show leadership and Europe and other major powers unable to fill the vacuum [emphasis ours]” (Der Spiegel, February 1, 2013).

Early Warning System

It reads like something straight out of a disaster movie. A volcanic eruption lasting nine hours and ejecting 15–30 million tons of sulphur dioxide. The second largest volcanic eruption of the 20th century happened to coincide with the arrival of Tropical Storm Yunya a mere 75 kilometers away, covering the majority of the island of Luzon in a mixture of ash and water. There was great damage, but it could have been worse. What made the difference?

Crime in Latin America and the Caribbean.

According to recent research, “Latin American and Caribbean citizens cite crime and violence as their top concern, above unemployment, healthcare and other issues” (Reuters, January 24, 2013).
