| Tomorrow's World

Trouble in Europe.

According to a recent European Pew survey, “France has seen the steepest confidence drop in the EU and in national politicians alike, with the same sour mood in Italy, Spain and Greece” (EU Observer, May 14, 2013).  “The EU is disliked by 58 percent compared to 40 percent in 2012, while 77 percent of French people believe European economic integration has made things worse for France… Concerns about unemployment are almost as high in France as they are in Spain, Italy and Greece.

Nations compete for Arctic resources.

Melting ice in the Arctic has fueled global lusts for energy and natural resources. Many nations are lining up to join the Arctic Council to exploit these new resources. “... China, India, Japan and South Korea are seeking permanent observer status….

Christian exodus from the Islamic world.

A recent news article described, “A mass exodus of Christians is currently underway. Millions of Christians are being displaced from one end of the Islamic world to the other. We are reliving the true history of how the Islamic world, much of which prior to the Islamic conquests was almost entirely Christian, came into being” (Fox News, May 7, 2013).

Sobering traits of the millennial generation.

“Millennials” are the generation of youth now in their teens and twenties. Raised on technology and self-esteem, this generation is described as one of the laziest, most narcissistic, and most entitled generations yet (Time, May 20, 2013).

Ancient Europeans mysteriously vanished 4,500 years ago.

Today, biblical accounts are often viewed as nothing more than myths, legends and fairy tales devised to enthrall children.
