Returning from his World Youth Day visit to Brazil, where he was treated like a rock star (The Telegraph, July 27, 2013), Pope Francis held a press conference where he “reaffirmed the Roman Catholic Church’s position that homosexual acts were sinful, but homosexual orientation was not” (BBC, July 29, 2013).
Tensions are escalating between Gibraltar, Spain and the U.K. over the future of this key piece of real estate. The U.K. has controlled Gibraltar for 300 years under the 1713 Treaty of Utrecht (Daily Mail, July 29, 2013), and as recently as 2002, Gibraltar residents rejected a return to Spanish rule (ibid.).
Poets once said, "The sun never sets on the British Empire." Billions considered the United States a beacon of freedom and prosperity. But times are changing. Millennia ago, Bible prophecy warned of a...
Why were you born? What will happen when you die? And what are you doing in-between to make the most of the life God has given you? Few people understand how their lives fit into God's plan—but you can know...
More than 300,000 people died when a devastating earthquake shook Haiti on January 12, 2010. A year later, survivors are still struggling to rebuild their lives in the midst of new challenges. What does the...
Do you imagine spending eternity perched on a cloud, playing a harp? Or do you wonder whether God has something much more exciting planned for you? Your Bible reveals a glorious future awaiting His faithful...
The United Kingdom, mired in a deep recession and overwhelmed by its debts, is in deep trouble. It all began with a collapse in the housing market back in 2007 due to speculative excesses. Since then, many...
Few understand that God gave the prophet Amos warnings not only for ancient Israel and Judah, but also specifically for "modern Jacob" (their combined descendants) in our present day.
Many people assume all sorts of falsehoods that are, in fact, not true! Such assumptions can lead to extremely serious mistakes in judgment—and can ruin our lives physically, mentally and spiritually if we...
Vital lessons are being ignored and forgotten in our modern (and supposedly enlightened) world! Today, we live in an age where belief in God is becoming a subject of ridicule.
Question: In Revelation 18:4, a voice from heaven commands, "Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues." In 2 Corinthians 6:17, we are told...
Does prophecy affect your daily life as a Christian? Or is it something distant and abstract that we cannot really understand? Do you know the reasons why God gave us Bible prophecy?
Have you taken your conversion for granted? What did Jesus Christ really teach about true conversion, and how to recognize it in the daily life of a Christian? The truth could change your life!
Do you feel you lack the strength to change your life? Here are tools to help you develop the physical and spiritual determination to become the person God wants you to be!
In his famous book, Man's Search for Meaning, Dr. Viktor Frankl, a survivor of Nazi concentration camps, wrote of his horrific experiences during World War II. Frankl, a psychiatrist by profession...
As 2012 gets under way, the European Union is facing unprecedented uncertainty and upheaval. The governments and peoples of Europe have become mired in social, political and economic distress that is...
Planned austerity measures and "anger at Wall Street elite" have triggered protests throughout Europe and the United States. In America, the "Occupy Wall Street" movement quickly grew into rage against what...
It is all around you. The noise, the hubbub and the scores of distractions that prevent most people from thinking deeply about the purpose for their lives. Very few people on this earth—...
The Twilight of the Gods—heralded as Götterdämmerung in the opera by composer Richard Wagner—is a medieval story from pagan Norse mythology. It describes a series of natural...
Question: Scripture describes that Jesus Christ was scourged by Pontius Pilate before His crucifixion (Matthew 27:26; Mark 15:15; John 19:1). Was there any special meaning behind this...
Few today would call the United States a "Christian" nation. Confused ideas about God are increasingly prominent, and millions even reject God entirely. Why? And what will happen as a result?
What does God think of human sexuality? Should it be a source of shame? Is it that "anything goes"—or does your Bible reveal important truths regarding Christians and sex?
In the early morning of December 4, 2012, a phone rang in the hospital ward of London’s King Edward VII hospital, where Jacintha Saldanha worked. Saldanha, a 46-year-old nurse and mother of two, answered...
The facts reveal what most Britons have known for some time—the Christian religion in Great Britain is in decline—and in particular the role of the Church of England as the voice of Christianity in the...
Jesus Christ described Satan as a very real spirit being. He stated, “Now is the judgment of this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out” (John 12:31). The New Testament clearly...
What does the future hold for the United States, Britain, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa and the other English-speaking British-descended nations—the so-called “Anglo-Saxon” nations of the...
For many years, Canada was made up mostly of people whose ancestors came from England or France, along with indigenous peoples. But this demographic has changed dramatically over the last half century...
In our world, science and the Bible seem constantly pitted against each other, and it is true that there certainly are outstanding questions to be resolved. But many such “conflicts” are illusions, arising...
Just a few words to express how grateful I am for the booklet about Successful Parenting: God’s Way. This booklet is one of the best you ever sent. It is...