The Middle East has for many years been a source of conflict and turmoil. Your Bible foretells that at the end of this present age, this region will be the flashpoint of a World War of unprecedented scale. Will you be ready when it comes?
The world's financial markets have been rocked by economic disaster! Nations around the world are in literal financial bankruptcy! Even the United States, if its balance sheets could be treated like those of any other business, could be declared bankrupt and put into the hands of other more responsible stewards. Might this happen soon to the U.S.? Will it soon be under the control of another nation? You need to know the shocking truth!
Throughout history there has been a cry for freedom. Jesus Christ told the Jews of His day that “the truth shall make you free.” But free from what? Many were offended, thinking that they would gain freedom from their Roman rulers, yet He was speaking of a different kind of freedom But what did Jesus Christ mean, and how can you experience real freedom?
“Money talks” is an old saying. For years, the United States has influenced Egyptian politics with a billion-dollar military aid package. But with the recent military overthrow of Mohammed Morsi and subsequent bloodbath, the U.S. has threatened to cut off aid to Egypt.