Your Bible reveals dramatic signs that will signal the imminent return of the Savior to bring peace, harmony and prosperity to planet Earth! You need to know how to recognize those signs!
Why is there so much conflict over the city of Jerusalem? Your Bible reveals dramatic end-time events that will shake this historic city. How will they affect you and your loved ones? You need to know!
We live in a world beset by AIDS and other pandemics. No part of the globe is spared from the suffering of terrible illness. The good news is that God can, and does, heal people today. You need to know how to receive His healing!
Your Bible prophesies a coming time of great turmoil for the earth. But there is good news on the horizon. After the turmoil, Jesus Christ will return to establish the Kingdom of God on the earth. You and your loved ones can be part of that Kingdom!
Your Bible reveals a Jesus Christ very different from the figure preached in many churches today. Why do so many people worship an imagined Jesus who is not found in Scripture? Knowing the real Jesus Christ will change your life forever!