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Prove it straight from the pages of your own Bible!
Mainstream “Christianity” says the law is done away, but isn’t that the opposite of Jesus Christ saying He came to fulfill—and not to destroy—the law?
How can you reconcile that mindset with the New Testament warnings about lawlessness, lawless deeds, and being carnal? And with Jesus Christ saying, “If you want to enter into life, keep the commandments” (Matthew 19:17)?
Let’s evaluate popular Bible verses—such as Romans 6:14 and Galatians 3:10—used for the arguments of “faith alone,” “grace not law,” “end of the law,” and “works of the law” to find the context of these passages, their audiences, and what was lost in translation. As we closely examine Paul’s writings, we’ll see that it all adds up to a perception of the Christian walk that is very different from what Jesus Christ ever intended—but very prevalent.
Keep reading to prove for yourself what the Bible really teaches about law and grace working together to form the very foundation of Christianity.