Marijuana: What They Aren’t Telling You | Tomorrow’s World

Marijuana: What They Aren’t Telling You

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  • Efforts to legalize the use of marijuana, for both “medicinal” and recreational purposes, continue to grow in the halls of state and national governments.
  • Now, at a time of increasing legalization, the frequency of negative side effects is rising, prompting physicians to sound an alarm – one that the political class is apparently ignoring. 
  • Is the drug as harmless as advocates claim?  Could society benefit from legalizing pot? Is there are larger picture to consider?  The plain answers are inside!
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Quick Synopsis

Up until only a few years ago, police and drug enforcement officials expended huge efforts to control or eliminate the trafficking and consumption of a plant-based drug we know as marijuana, or cannabis (Cannabis sativa). Despite their efforts in most of the previous century, the drug has remained popular and now sees consumption patterns increasing dramatically in North America and Europe.

Few events have such polarizing power as a debate over cannabis use. After all, many say, cannabis has been with mankind throughout most of recorded history, so what is the problem? Marijuana comes from the Indian hemp plant, which has been cultivated through the ages. Hemp was used in ancient China for making paper and also utilized extensively for the production of rope. It was used so widely for rope and cord manufacturing that hemp plants were a part of most farmsteads in North America in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. However, from ancient times other properties of this plant led to a very different application. Herodotus, in 420 BC, reported that Scythians were making recreational use of cannabis, and thereafter we see hemp mentioned also for its hallucinogenic properties.

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