News and Prophecy | Page 47 | Tomorrow's World

News and Prophecy

Tensions Rise in East Africa

  1. 23rd March 2020
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Somalians racing to get food and supplies Amidst the devastating locust plague and COVID-19 pandemic, tensions between Kenya and Somalia have reached a fever pitch as Somalia’s civil war continues to tear that country apart (Deutsche Welle, March 13, 2020). The al-Qaeda-linked terror group, al-Shabab, is also in the fight, and their raids have spilled over into Kenya. During a recent incursion into...


COVID-19 and Prophecy

  1. 20th March 2020
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

covid 19 under a microscope News of the coronavirus is everywhere. Governments are closing borders, air travel is being restricted, schools are being closed, workers are being sent home, and people are being confined to their homes. While many are fearful and others might be wondering if this is the end of the world, what does the Bible say—and not say?


Another Refugee Crisis in Europe?

  1. 16th March 2020
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

a group of Syrian refugees entering Europe The civil war in Syria has pushed 3.5 million refugees into Turkey. With intensified fighting in Syria, Turkey can no longer handle or afford the volume of refugees. As a result, Turkey is releasing refugees into Europe through the “gateway” of Greece (Politico, March 5, 2020).


World Markets Falling

  1. 13th March 2020
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

silhouettes of people watching a downward trending graph Trade and travel restrictions associated with the coronavirus are negatively impacting global financial markets (Reuters, March 8, 2020). Stock markets around the world, including in the United States, have been spiraling down for the past several weeks as fear of the virus spreads. And now, as oil prices drop, markets continue to be affected.


Dangers of Multiple Sexual Partners

  1. 09th March 2020
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

woman receiving bad news from a doctor “Make love, not war” was a popular saying in the 1960s and 1970s. This catchy phrase promoted sexual liberty and the attitude that no one should dictate personal moral behavior for others. However, such ideas and behavior have come with a cost.


Coronavirus and Prophecy

  1. 06th March 2020
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

people wearing masks  in front of a red world map Every week, the numbers of coronavirus infections and deaths continue to rise as the virus spreads around the globe. While the origin of the virus is not yet fully known, responses to this outbreak are disrupting airline flights, closing borders, and bringing commerce to a standstill in affected areas. 


Hacking into the Human Mind!

  1. 02nd March 2020
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

ominous hacker looking at laptop and a human brain At the recent World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, author and Hebrew University professor Yuval Noah Harari gave global leaders a dire warning: “There is a lot of talk of hacking computers, smartphones, computers, emails, bank accounts, but the really big thing is hacking human beings.… If you have enough data about me and enough computer power and...


Europe and the Middle East

  1. 28th February 2020
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Jerusalem with popouts of Trump, the Pope, and an EU flag Many who watch world events know that the heart of the Arab-Israeli debacle is Jerusalem! For decades, the United States has taken the lead in promoting peace efforts between Israel and the Palestinian people. Yet, President Trump’s new peace plan seemed to fall out of favor even before it was released, in part because Palestinian leaders no longer trust the U.S...


Dangerous Drinking Water Across the U.S.

  1. 24th February 2020
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

woman looking skeptically at a glass of water in front of a US map The Guardian recently reported on a study of tap water at 44 sites in 31 states and Washington, DC, that found dangerous levels of perfluoroalkyl substances or PFAS (January 22, 2020). These substances are sometimes referred to as “forever chemicals” because they do not break down in the environment.


“Madness” Is in the Air

  1. 21st February 2020
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

angry mob of protesters one wearing a gas mask NPR reports that U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres recently shared a sobering view of the world today, stating that “a wind of madness is sweeping the globe” (February 4, 2020). According to NPR, Guterres also observed that “cascading challenges” and “vicious circles” currently characterize the state of the world, putting peace and stability at risk.

