News and Prophecy | Page 44 | Tomorrow's World

News and Prophecy

New Pandemic Threat!

  1. 13th July 2020
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

a pig some coronavirus and a map highlighting China An alarming study recently appeared in the highly respected journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Examining viruses found in pigs from 2011 to 2018, Chinese scientists identified a strain of the H1N1 flu virus that has “all the essential hallmarks of a candidate pandemic virus” (Reuters, June 29, 2020).


Locusts Swarm in South America

  1. 10th July 2020
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Locusts swarming and a map showing Brazil Argentina Uruguay and Paraguay Many are aware of the devastating locust swarms in East Africa, the Middle East, and India. Now, news agencies report that a large locust swarm is taking hold in northern Argentina. The swarm covers an area of 15 square kilometers (almost 6 square miles). Farmers are worried the locusts will destroy their crops.


The Germans Are Coming

  1. 07th July 2020
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Angela Merkel and Ursula Von der Layen Ursula von der Leyen is the current EU Commission President, and on July 1, Angela Merkel took over the six-month rotating presidency of the European Council. Both women are German, and they will occupy Europe’s two most powerful posts. In the words of Spiegel International, “the European Union is set to be run by two German women with a long history.


UK Universities Lose Respect

  1. 03rd July 2020
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Oxford University with a down-trending arrow A recent Guardian article title tells a sobering story: “UK universities suffer worst-ever rankings in world league table” (June 9, 2020). For centuries, English universities have garnered tremendous respect around the world. Cambridge, Oxford, Imperial College London, and other universities in the United Kingdom have long been recognized as some of the best in...


Covid-19 and Reshaping the World Order

  1. 29th June 2020
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

German eagle rising out of a burning world The respected journal Foreign Affairs recently published an article on the emerging role of “middle powers” (“Can Middle Powers Lead the World Out of the Pandemic?,” June 18, 2020).


Sabers Rattle in Korea

  1. 26th June 2020
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

flags and map of Korea and missile silhouette About a year ago, there appeared to be a thaw in the perpetually tense relationship between North and South Korea, stirring hope for increased unity between the two countries. However, last week North Korea “blew up an inter-Korean liaison office in its city of Kaesong”—an office built in 2018 that was used for inter-Korean meetings (Deutsche Welle, June 16,...


Will Freedom of Religion Disappear in Finland?

  1. 22nd June 2020
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

man with tape over his mouth in front of Finnish flag Finnish politician Päivi Räsänen is a physician and a Lutheran who has written on and spoken extensively about homosexuality and the Bible. Her views on homosexuality reflect the Bible’s clear teaching that homosexuality is a sin. As Jonathan Van Maren describes in a May 28 article for First Things, her position and writings on the matter have resulted in her...


India and China Preparing for War?

  1. 19th June 2020
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

chessboard with flags of China and India Concerns are rising that the ongoing border dispute between India and China in the Himalayas will expand to include military action. At the end of May, many sources reported that troops on both sides have engaged the other in physical attacks, though both sides claim no shots have been fired and that altercations have been limited to clubs and stones, injuring...


Cannibal Rats Emerging in Cities

  1. 15th June 2020
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

urban rats eating from a bag of trash It appears that the COVID-19 pandemic has affected more than just people and the economy. New research by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is warning of “‘unusual or aggressive’ behavior in American rats as a consequence of more than two months of human lockdown” (The Guardian, May 25, 2020). Urban rats that normally feed on food waste from...


Behind the Cloak of COVID-19

  1. 12th June 2020
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

curtains pulled back revealing fires floods crashing economy and riot police For the last few months, the novel coronavirus pandemic has seemed at times like a cosmic black hole: It has relentlessly consumed everyone’s attention—especially in the media. Turn on the television or radio, scan headlines on the web, or swipe through the news on your phone, and COVID-19 often dominates the headlines and discussion. However, behind the ominous...

