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“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”
Flat-Earth theory has gained a lot of followers and publicity. But it has not gained the support of everyday observations or the Bible, both of which are very comfortable on a very round Earth.
What if Niccolò Machiavelli’s influential book “The Prince” only tells us what God already knew the world would be like under Satan’s influence? Are Machiavellian politics and personalities really the most successful, or does God’s word show us a...
One man’s ancient overcoming of adversity reveals the future of modern nations as they face the challenges of our present day.
Is there a future for those whose lives have been affected by the scourge of alcohol addiction?
Loving others means condemning sin. Guard your children’s minds against the corrupting influence of sexualization and “gender movements.”
The truth is uncomfortable, unpopular—and may even lead to persecution. Will you heed the warning message of God’s prophets and claim the promise of hope to come?