The Stone of Scone, housed in Scotland but having a long history in the coronation of Irish, Scottish, and English kings, may also have ties to an even more ancient monarchy.
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The Stone of Scone, housed in Scotland but having a long history in the coronation of Irish, Scottish, and English kings, may also have ties to an even more ancient monarchy.
A troubled city with an ancient past has a remarkable future ahead! What does the Bible say will happen to Jerusalem before Jesus Christ’s return—and after?
Many would have you believe that evidence against evolution does not exist. What is the truth about evolution and its supposed scientific “underpinnings”?
Will there ever be another temple built in Jerusalem? What if God were building a very different temple out of a very special people living on earth today?
Jesus Christ promised a better tomorrow at His Second Coming, a brand-new day that we can start living for now.
One of the most beneficial attributes a person can exercise is thankfulness—and having a thankful attitude is contagious. Most often, when I give a sincere “thank you” to someone, they will respond with gratitude in turn. It’s also true that when...
Is Britain still a “Christian” society? Modern demographics indicate that this once-great Western nation may be adrift on a tide of moral and religious apathy.
In a world afflicted by a pandemic of lies and biased narratives smothering every possible issue, where can you turn for real justice—and truth about the future?