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November-December 2018

Stairway to Hell
Article 3

The smooth path that leads to bitterness and death

As I traveled with my family along the highway winding through America’s heartland, we were struck by the natural beauty of the landscape: mile upon mile of fields and...

The Ultimate Sacrifice!
London Calling

At the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month of each year, the world pauses in memory of the Armistice. At this precise moment, we acknowledge the sacrifice of all those who died in the First World War defending the principles of...

What Do You Celebrate?

The biggest holiday in the world is coming! Billions worldwide will celebrate the fictional birthday of Jesus the Christ, but discerning people question whether someone who claims to be Christian should have anything to do with it. They ask, “Why...

Europe's Final Revival
Turning Points in World History

For all of Europe’s current difficulties, Bible prophecy makes plain that the continent has a final, earth-shaking revival to come.

Dismissing Our History
Oh Canada!

There is much debate today about whether official monuments to flawed historical figures should be maintained. Could there be any unforeseen cost of their removal?

Singing Caterpillars
The Works of His Hands

Several issues ago we took a look at the remarkable transformation of caterpillar to butterfly (“The Butterfly: Master of Metamorphosis,” January-February 2018). But this humble creature has far more surprises in store for those willing to look...

Questions and Answers

How should a Christian approach Christmas?

Question: Does the Bible give any guidelines as to how Christians should observe Christmas?

Answer: Many are surprised to learn that there...

Letter to the Editor

Your book on marijuana is so inaccurate and full of Nixon-era disinformation. How can you be accurate on Bible meaning and so wrong on marijuana? The FDA just approved a marijuana-based medicine to treat epilepsy in kids.
Email from a...

September-October 2018

AIDS Can Be Stopped!
Cover Story

Much of the Western world has forgotten about AIDS, yet it continues to devastate millions of lives. But there is a guaranteed way to stop it forever.

Is Darwinian Evolution Dead?
Feature Story

Many claim that science proves evolution is a fact. However, discoveries such as the complex structures within living cells have proven quite the opposite!
