Magazine Articles | Tomorrow's World

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February 2021

To "Love Your Enemies"
Article 1

In a world infected by hatred, Christ reveals the cure.

Inauguration speech
Article 2

What could the President really do to turn the United States of America back to Almighty God?

Man formed of dust
Article 3

There’s a reason you won’t find any Wookiees out there.

Watch and Warn

Mark 13:37 | “And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!

Presiding Evangelist: Gerald Weston

With all the suffering in the world, you need to know God's ultimate plan and purpose—now more than ever!

Oh Canada!

How can the masterful design behind the iconic Bluenose schooner inspire us to greater accomplishments in our own lives?

Sandcastle and starry sky
The Works of His Hands

God promises an inheritance to His children more infinite than the sands of the earth or the stars in the sky.

Questions and Answers

Should Christians Celebrate “Saint” Valentine’s Day?

Letter to the Editor

Tell us what you think!

January 2021

Are You Ready for the Great Reset?
Cover Story

Have you heard of the Great Reset? Most people haven’t, but some very prestigious and serious people around the world think it’s coming your way—and soon. Later this year, it will be the subject of a major meeting of world leaders. If they get...
