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January 2021

Three Pillars
Feature Story

Are you struggling with faith or losing hope for a better future? Do you feel like the trials of this life are overwhelming you, and the issues of 2020 and beyond are just the beginning of troubled times? Do you need spiritual inspiration—now...

Grace: Freedom to Sin?

Grace is a wonderful gift from God. Yet it is much misunderstood. What is grace? How can you be sure that you are making the most of God’s grace in your life?

Popping a Money Bubble
Article 1

As economies fail around the world, we learn the lessons taught by misplaced confidence.

Hacking Thankfulness
Article 2

“Discovering” ancient godly wisdom.

Boy Helping Girl
Tomorrow’s Youth

In a society where gender confusion seems to be becoming the norm, how can parents best learn to reinforce traditional standards? When God said He “created them male and female,” He meant it for our good!

The "Beeb" and Objectivity
London Calling

What role has secularization and the sidelining of religious values played in the decline of Britain, and Western culture at large? The BBC provides a case study.

Tomorrow’s World Magazine Grows in 2021

Tomorrow's World is excited to announce positive growth trends in 2020, and humbly devoted to continuing its service in bringing the good news message to its followers and the world in 2021!

Prophecy Comes Alive

Mark 13:37 | “And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!

Flanders Fields and the Valley of Dry Bones
Oh Canada!

The book of Ezekiel contains one of the most important Bible prophecies about the resurrection found in the Old Testament. What can it teach us about hope for all those tragically slain in war—and for the rest of mankind?

Wired for Worship
The Works of His Hands

Have you ever considered: Why do we worship God? Is the human mind specifically designed to benefit from religious devotion? If so, what was our Creator’s purpose, and why does He want us to worship him? The answers may surprise you.
