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November-December 2005

Feature Story

Are you experiencing the blessings of the New Covenant in your life? Many do not understand the Christian's relationship to God's law, and how it is written on the heart of a Christian.

Article 1

It was not that long ago that secularism appeared to be the "wave of the future." Why have so many returned to religion—and what does this portend for the years ahead?

Article 2

We commonly hear of people seeking wealth, power and prestige. How often do we hear of someone seeking to develop greater character? What can character do for you?

Article 3

What lessons should we learn from the terrible tragedy of Hurricane Katrina? Are you ready for what will come next?

Tomorrow’s Youth

The most honest and informative comment I ever heard on this subject came from a sincere young man who said, "I want to be an individual… just like all my friends." How could anyone state more simply and succinctly the inner struggle and...


Perhaps the major weakness in most people's approach to religion is their lukewarm and careless approach to Truth. In our time of "political correctness"—of conforming to this world's society with its approach of "no absolutes"—some of you may...

Prophecy Comes Alive

Today, many assume that the "gospel" is simply about Jesus—that He loves us and died for us, and that those who give their hearts to Him will go to heaven. This "good news" is presumed to be the essence of Christianity. Yet this is not the same "...

Questions and Answers

Question: Does the Bible give any guidelines as to how Christians should observe Christmas?

Answer: Many are surprised to learn that there is neither biblical command nor example for Christians to...

Letter to the Editor

September-October 2005

Cover Story

Sixty years ago this October, the United Nations was established. Inaugurated officially on October 24, 1945, the UN was the brainchild of a world still freshly mindful of the horrors of World War II—the most terrible and destructive conflict yet...
