Magazine Articles | Tomorrow's World

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March-April 2006

Cover Story

April 2006 marks the hundredth anniversary of an earthquake that ravaged a city and changed the way Americans came to think about disaster preparedness. Many lessons were learned following the devastating quake—but were they the right lessons?...

Feature Story

Your very life depends upon your willingness to change. Your eternity depends on what you do with God's revealed truth, which leads to eternal life. But knowing the truth is not enough. God wants you to act. Will you respond?

Article 1

Few people understand the book of Revelation and its many mysterious symbols. There are many conflicting ideas about the Beast of Revelation, but the Bible makes itself clear, and reveals vital truth that you need to know!

Article 2

What makes the Bible different from other "holy books"? Is it God's inspired word, or the work of clever human beings? Even though millions look to other books and doubt the Bible's relevance, the evidence reveals that the Bible really is...

Article 3

People spend and spend in the hope of having a joyous Christmas. But their big spending has year-round consequences. What does rampant consumer spending say about us and about our nations? Is there a better way?

Tomorrow’s Youth

Those who take the fast track often fade in the longer race of life, while the diligent steadily move toward the lead. The industrious person is the one who gets ahead, while those who seek a quick and easy route to happiness—who would rather...

Prophecy Comes Alive

God inspired the prophet Amos to record: "Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine on the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD.

Questions and Answers

Question: In Acts 8, when we read of Philip preaching the gospel to the Samaritans, we read that he "preached Christ to them" (v. 5). Why, then, does your magazine preach the Kingdom of God, and not simply the person of Christ...

Letter to the Editor

So where did you get your religion? How did you come to believe the things that you believe? Did you find your religious concepts in the Bible? Or did you get your religious ideas from family and friends?

Letter to the Editor
