The Tomorrow’s World telecast proclaims the gospel of the soon-coming Kingdom of God, when Jesus Christ will reign on earth and there will be harmony, unity and love among peoples of all races, ethnicities and nationalities.
- Telecast began airing in January 1999
- More than 550 half-hour programs produced as of April 2017
- Never asks for donations; offers free DVDs, CDs, booklets on every program, “Freely you have received; freely give” (Matthew 10:8)
- Programs focus on Bible prophecy, current events and the meaning and purpose of life
- More than 3 million pieces of literature have been sent free to viewers, requestors as a result of the Tomorrow's World telecast.
- More than 31 million free Tomorrow’s World magazines have been distributed
- Free literature is also available in Spanish, French, German, Dutch, Chinese, Russian, others
- Estimated 240,000 viewers per week in North America
- Available over-the-air or on cable to 118 million North American households
- Airs on 130 stations worldwide
- Network/Superstation airings include CW-PLUS, GOSPEL, and CNLTV (Russia)
- The program is broadcast in Spanish by radio in all South American countries and in most Central American contries.
- English-language presenters:
- Gerald E. Weston, Presiding Evangelist of the Living Church of God
- Richard Ames, Evangelist
- Wallace Smith, Minister
- Rod McNair, Minister
- Other languages:
- Gerald Weston, Presiding Evangelist of the Living Church of God (Chinese/English)
- Mario Hernandez, Pastor (Spanish and French)
- Yvon Brochu, Minister (French)
- Russian (Translation)
The Tomorrow’s World telecast is sponsored by the Living Church of God. We are Christians, following the example of Jesus Christ and the Apostles in keeping the seventh-day Sabbath and annual Holy Days (Leviticus 23). With a diverse ministry and membership on six continents, thousands of Living Church of God members gather regularly for weekly Sabbath services and annual convocations. Our modern heritage is in the ministry of Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong (1892–1986).
Dexter Wakefield,
Director of Public Relations