Commentary | Page 141 | Tomorrow's World


What Is Your Plan?

  1. 25th May 2013
  2. Charles Knowlton (1927-2013)

Years ago, on a bitter cold night in January, our house caught on fire. Our family of seven slept upstairs in a wooden farmhouse.  As we raced down the stairs, fire was coming up through the steps below. That night, my Dad, Mom and I were able to put out the fire, but not before it had ruined part of our home.


Of Grace and Obedience

  1. 23rd May 2013
  2. Wyatt Ciesielka

Can we obtain salvation by our own efforts? If we obtain salvation, is it true that we are “once saved, always saved”? Many people are confused about the truth behind these doctrines. Scripture tells us that a Christian is justified by grace (Titus 3:7). So, what does it mean that we must not lose what we have worked for (2 John 1:8)? If justification is by...


This Is NOT Our Father's World

  1. 21st May 2013
  2. Wallace G. Smith

A much-beloved Protestant hymn asserts, “This Is My Father’s World.” The song has a beautiful melody, and the sentiment is tempting. Yet, the reality of the matter—as so pointedly shown by the many sudden and destructive events caused by natural disasters—is that our world today is not our Father’s world.


Are You in "the Way"?

  1. 21st May 2013
  2. Roger Meyer

We have all heard the expression, “My way or the highway.” It is usually a statement made by someone in authority, giving a subordinate a choice—either to do something a certain way, or to suffer the consequences. The Almighty God gives mankind a choice, either to learn to live His way, or to suffer the consequences. Which way are you choosing?


The Spirit of Pentecost

  1. 18th May 2013
  2. Rod McNair

God gave the Holy Spirit to His Church on the Day of Pentecost, but few now understand the meaning of this Holy Day. God’s Holy Spirit is vital for true Christian living, but many are unaware of what it is, what Pentecost is, and what these things mean to Christians today! Do you feel the Spirit of God moving in your life? Can you be filled with the same Spirit...


Vision and Reality

  1. 14th May 2013
  2. William Williams

Before he secured his fame as “Mark Twain,” the iconic American writer Samuel Langhorne Clemens started out seeking the wild and adventurous life of a Mississippi riverboat pilot. However, when Clemens discovered that piloting a riverboat was as much a demanding science as an adventure, he almost became too discouraged to continue, fearing that the demands of...


Mothers Should Be Honored

  1. 12th May 2013
  2. Roger Meyer

Each of us had a mother who carried and nourished us in her womb until we were born. Most of us had a mother who rocked us, fed us, burped us, and bathed us. She kissed our skinned knee, sent us off to school in clean clothes, and made sure we did our homework. She taught us right from wrong and a thousand other lessons. Our mothers should be honored.


Why Poverty?

  1. 11th May 2013
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

The world’s economic system reels from one failure to another, as the Euro-zone nations, as well as the United Kingdom, the United States and others feverishly work to find the means to fund the crushing financial burden of entitlement programs promised to their citizens. What can be done?


Counting the Cost

  1. 09th May 2013
  2. Richard A. Wilson (guest columnist)

The Price Is Right is one of the longest-running game shows on television. Contestants on the show are asked to count the cost of different prizes, and by knowing the correct price they can win a prize. At the end of each show, two contestants compete for the “grand prize” by counting the cost of a final “showcase.” Whoever comes closest to counting the total...


Promises Kept

  1. 07th May 2013
  2. Charles Knowlton (1927-2013)

My grandfather once promised to buy me a new bicycle.  He made that promise many years ago, right after a politician had promised him that all elderly Americans would soon be given a bonus. Neither of us saw those promises come true. For many generations, promises have been a mainstay of hope for people seeking a better life. Even today, we are bombarded by...

