Commentary | Page 139 | Tomorrow's World


Prove It!

  1. 17th July 2013
  2. Roger Meyer

Nearly all of us can recall a time in our childhood when other children pulled a prank on us or carried out a joke at our expense. Perhaps they sent us on a “snipe hunt” or on a “fool’s errand.” Most of us know what it is like to fall for incorrect information that leads us on a proverbial “wild goose chase.”


The Other Woman

  1. 13th July 2013
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

The world has been riveted to the headlines coming from the Vatican since the resignation of Pope Benedict and the installation of Pope Francis, the first Jesuit pope in the long and colorful history of the Roman Catholic Church. Devout Catholics—along with nominal believers and hundreds of millions of non-Catholics—have been fascinated by the pageantry,...


Exercise the Spirit!

  1. 11th July 2013
  2. Charles Knowlton (1927-2013)

My wife had a cousin who was a world champion body builder. This cousin worked hard to develop and maintain her physical condition, and her bodily health was her key asset. Just consider the hours spent in exercise for the purpose of show! Is there something more to strive for, with an asset that we can exercise for a more lasting “physique?” The answer is yes!


"The Song of Fools..."

  1. 06th July 2013
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

It seems that every generation has its own style of music. Someone who grew up in the 1940s probably enjoys the sounds of the “big band” era. Then, in the late 40s and early 50s, the plaintive sounds of country music filled the airwaves as tales of heartache and hard times were set to music. From the classics to the singing celebrities of the “Grand Old Opry” to...


Our Independence

  1. 04th July 2013
  2. Roger Meyer

July 4 is the day the United States celebrates its independence. Many nations throughout history have fought for their independence and have set aside days to mark their attainment of it. Is independence and self-rule the real answer to mankind’s search for peace and happiness? Sometimes, when injustice or oppression, either real or perceived, becomes too great...


"I Have Bad News and Good News"

  1. 02nd July 2013
  2. Roger Meyer

“I have bad news and good news. Which do you want to hear first?” This is a premise of some jokes and also of some serious diagnoses. No one wants to hear bad news, while we all love good news. Prophets of God and Jesus Christ Himself delivered both bad news and good news.


The Empty Cradle

  1. 29th June 2013
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

There is a line from a poem by William Ross Wallace (1819–1881) that you have probably heard. He wrote, “For the hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world.”


Marriage and GOD Under Attack!

  1. 26th June 2013
  2. Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

In striking down the “Defense of Marriage Act,” the United States Supreme Court today has made a ruling that virtually ensures the spread of the vile practice of “same-sex marriage.” Something that practically no one would even have dreamed of 20 or 30 years ago—the idea that two men or two women can have a valid “marriage” receiving the same benefits as a...


You Can't Take It With You...

  1. 25th June 2013
  2. Roger Meyer

There is a very old saying about money: “You can’t take it with you.” Truly, when life is over, we leave everything behind. This ancient bit of wisdom comes right out of the Bible. Life’s most simple and yet profound pearls of wisdom are found in the pages of the Bible. The modern-day maxim that we “can’t take it with us” is found in the book of Ecclesiastes,...

