Commentary | Page 7 | Tomorrow's World


Develop a Family Disaster Plan

  1. 25th November 2023
  2. Roger Meyer

Jesus talked much about the signs of the end of the age, saying that wars, famines, pestilences, earthquakes, persecution, and lawlessness would abound. The apostle Paul told Timothy that “in the last days perilous times will come” (2 Timothy 3:1). Are you prepared? Do you have a family disaster plan?


It’s Not About the Turkey

  1. 22nd November 2023
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

Do you have a pet peeve? You know, an irritation that rankles you but is relatively minor in the grand scheme of things? As Americans approach our national day of Thanksgiving, it irritates me when people flippantly refer to it as “Turkey Day.” It is so much more than a day for turkey, football, and all the trimmings! Now, these things are great traditions that...


Do You Need a Battle Plan?

  1. 18th November 2023
  2. Roger Meyer

The nations of the world make battle plans to successfully fight battles and wage wars. Likewise, Christians need a battle plan to fight spiritual battles. Do you have a spiritual battle plan?


Freedom from Guilt?

  1. 15th November 2023
  2. Adam J. West

Are you sometimes plagued with gnawing feelings of guilt? Do anxious feelings of wrongdoing stir inside you, resulting in thoughts of shame and inferiority? You are not alone! But why, as human beings, do we have to experience and even be riddled with guilt? The fact is guilt plays a vital role in God’s purpose and plan. What is that role? How should you deal ...


The Number of Our Days

  1. 11th November 2023
  2. Roger Meyer

How long will you live? What is the number of your days, and why is that an important question to consider? Various websites list statistics on average life expectancy, which is a nice way of saying “average age of death.” The statistics are often categorized by gender, ethnicity, country, and other characteristics. Since that fateful day in the Garden of Eden...


Remembering Jesus’ Golden Rule

  1. 08th November 2023
  2. Josh Lyons

This summer, I had the privilege of serving on the softball staff at one of the Living Church of God teen camps. A major theme we teach at our youth camps is the importance of doing all things decently, in order, without confusion, and in peace (1 Corinthians 14:33, 40). We also teach many other values from the Bible, and one of the biblical principles that came...


A Race Well Run

  1. 04th November 2023
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

At a time when we are inundated daily with a tsunami of negativity and dark, foreboding developments around the nation and the world, a real-life story of courage and overcoming adversity is a welcome break in the weather. Such is the story of a man and his afflicted son who refused to be stymied by disability—and set a wonderful example of determination and...


The Opportunity to Change

  1. 01st November 2023
  2. Roger Meyer

One of the greatest opportunities we have in life is the opportunity to change. We can decide to start doing the things we should and to stop doing the things we shouldn’t. We can “turn our life around.”


The Blessing of Unclean Animals

  1. 28th October 2023
  2. Josh Lyons

Just the other day, as I was taking out the trash early in the morning, I noticed that some food debris had dripped onto the sidewalk. The need to clean the small area came to mind, but I then noticed that ants had beaten me to task.


A very popular song in 1969 was “One,” written by singer-songwriter Harry Nilsson and made popular by the American rock band Three Dog Night. The opening lyric of the song says, “One is the loneliest number that you’ll ever do.” But is “one” always lonely? While it is true that the number “1” is often associated with being solitary and alone, we should...

