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There have been many events in mankind’s history that are considered pivotal. A list of relatively recent events would include the First and Second World Wars and the Great Depression. Other significant historical events include severe pestilences like the Black Death and extreme famines and earthquakes. Many of these events are battles, downfalls of empires, or inventions that “change the world,” such as the printing press, electric lighting, the automobile, powered flight, computers, the Internet, or atomic bombs. What is the most pivotal event to come?
Those with an atheistic, anti-biblical bias might have a secular list of supposed evolutionary “milestones,” like man learning to harness fire, make tools, plant crops, domesticate animals, and develop writing. For believers in the Creator God and the Bible He inspired, the list of pivotal events would differ significantly and might include the creation of man, the worldwide flood, the tower of Babel, the Exodus, the first coming of Jesus Christ, and Christ’s crucifixion bringing salvation for mankind.
Some might mention the Gospel being preached to the world as a pivotal event that is even now taking place in mankind’s history. But if asked to name upcoming pivotal events in our world, very few would list widespread religious deception by corrupt leaders who will come in Christ’s name, or famine, pestilences, and earthquakes, or tribulation and being hated by all nations. Few would mention a false prophet deceiving many, or the abomination of desolation, or a time of great tribulation, or signs in the heavens. And how many would mention the most pivotal event of all: the return of Jesus Christ to gather His elect and then establish His kingdom on the earth to rule all nations? Jesus Christ predicted all these things in His prophecy in Matthew 24.
Far too many view the Bible’s accounts and prophecies as dust-covered declarations of ancient gloom and doom, or as antiquated moral judgments unrealistic for this modern age. Some view Scripture as the embodiment of restrictive and harsh rules to control society by wild-eyed, bearded men wearing sandals and sackcloth robes. Many nominal Christians only pay lip service to God and either entirely dismiss or reinterpret much of what the Bible actually says—a kind of “post-biblical” approach.
But it is foolish to ignore or discredit the warnings of the Creator God found in His word, which Jesus Himself said was truth (John 17:17). Jesus made many prophetic statements, and He is the source of the prophecies delivered by His prophets of old, giving them messages that are still relevant for today’s world. Jesus Christ is also the means by which these prophecies are being fulfilled. Many of these prophecies speak of very significant turning points happening before our eyes today—with many more to happen in the near future.
Jesus warned His followers to be careful, “lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly…. Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man” (Luke 21:34–36).
Mankind has suffered for 6,000 years under the rule of Satan the Devil. When Jesus Christ returns, Satan’s rule will finally end, and the Kingdom of God will rule from then on, forever. Yes, there will be many significant end-time events, but they all pale in comparison to the upcoming climax of history: the return of Jesus Christ to gather His elect and to rule all nations. That was and is His message—the good news of the coming Kingdom of God!
To aid you in your Bible study of this important subject, Tomorrow’s World and the Living Church of God offer free study guides, including Fourteen Signs Announcing Christ’s Return, Understanding Bible Prophecy, and Do You Believe the True Gospel?
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