Commentary | Page 237 | Tomorrow's World


A World of Refugees

  1. 05th September 2005
  2. Gary F. Ehman (1937–2021)

Numerous individuals in the news media seemed appalled by what has turned out to be a refugee-like situation in the Gulf States because of hurricane Katrina. A large portion of the population of the city of New Orleans and other gulf coast cities that have fled the area will be displaced for some time, and some even permanently. One cable news anchor, standing...


Thoughts while in a gas station line

  1. 04th September 2005
  2. Gary F. Ehman (1937–2021)

Sitting in a long line waiting for a gas pump to be vacated can increase one's awareness of social breakdown becoming a real possibility. The intricacies of our modern world and how closely dependant we are on others who live far away become glaringly apparent. One questions how a catastrophic storm—with such a beautiful name, Katrina, meaning "pure"— a thousand...


Why Natural Disasters?

  1. 31st August 2005
  2. Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

Hurricane Katrina has just struck the Gulf Coast with fury! News reports already are telling us that at least 1,000 people are dead. And the death toll may greatly increase when all the bodies are counted! The authorities have also stated that Katrina will definitely become one of the worst natural disasters in American history in financial terms. The damages...


Hurricane Katrina: Why?

  1. 30th August 2005
  2. Scott D. Winnail

Tens of billions of dollars worth of damage has already occurred with billions more projected. Oil prices continue to rise in the wake of potentially the most devastating storm in United States history. One of the world's most important shipping ports is currently closed. And ultimately the closure of this shipping port is projected to affect nations around the...


The Sounds of Summer

  1. 30th August 2005
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

The sound of the cicadas was deafening as I walked along on a summer Sabbath morning, enjoying the breeze and collecting my thoughts after a busy and eventful week. I had so much to think about, and was trying to making sense of it from a biblical point of view. Yet, those cicadas were humming away so loudly, it was hard to concentrate.


Comets, Asteroids and Earth's Future

  1. 09th August 2005
  2. Richard F. Ames (1936-2024)

On July 4, 2005, NASA's Deep Impact probe completed its scientific mission by colliding with comet Tempel 1 at a speed of more than 23,000 miles per hour. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California reported: "Deep Impact scientists theorize the 820-pound impactor vaporized deep below the comet's surface when the two collided." Scientists want to know...


What is Right With America?

  1. 01st August 2005
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

Once, while watching my 13-year-old grandson play a Little League baseball game in an All Star game on a summer’s afternoon, I watched the nation’s favorite pastime unfold in a good example of playing hard by the rules and accepting the outcome graciously. I observed the parents, coaches and umpires enjoying the game, and the lessons of life that the players...


Searching Out a Matter

  1. 24th July 2005
  2. Ray Clore

Media bias is a common topic for discussion in the U.S. This problem is not confined to the U.S. however. Recently I visited a major journalism school in Bordeaux, France, and asked what the students were learning. Among other things, the Director said the school taught that there was "no such thing as objective reality." He said that since reporters could only...


Asteroids: Media Hype or Menacing Danger?

  1. 15th July 2005
  2. Richard F. Ames (1936-2024)

Movies such as "Asteroid" (1997) "Armageddon (1998), and "Deep Impact" (1998) have portrayed asteroids as threatening all life on Earth. Do science and Bible prophecy agree that asteroids can or will pose such a threat? Are we in danger of an asteroid impact?


Terrorist Attacks Hit London!

  1. 07th July 2005
  2. Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

A series of terrorist attacks has just occurred in the city of London, England. This is indeed a horrible tragedy. All of us should pray for the victims and their families. But it will do only a limited amount of good to sorrow over what has already happened. For this is only the beginning of the "series of terrorist attacks"—as Prime Minister Blair of Britain...

