Commentary | Page 147 | Tomorrow's World


Pandemics and Prophecy

  1. 27th April 2013
  2. Adam J. West

Workers on the Crossrail project, a new railway line in London, have recently unearthed the human remains of thirteen individuals suspected of dying from the Black Death. What can we learn from this historic and, so far, unprecedented plague?


"Did you hear the one about...?"

  1. 25th April 2013
  2. Roger Meyer

People enjoy humor and laughter. God gave mankind the capacity for humor and the ability to laugh. But are there right and wrong kinds of humor? Would we laugh at this or that joke in Jesus’ presence? Would He find it funny?


Who Is Behind the Wheel?

  1. 23rd April 2013
  2. William Williams

On a cloudy morning, sometime around 5:00 a.m., a lone commuter drives to work, and not in the best frame of mind. As he leaves his neighborhood, he heads out onto the highway that will take him to his office. He barely notices that the road is still a little slick from some drizzling rain. Vaguely aware of the need to watch for roadside deer (and for other...


A Pale Horse

  1. 20th April 2013
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

There is an old proverb that “You don’t miss the water until the well goes dry.” We are often taken by surprise by some occurrence, event or development that should have been obvious, but which was somehow overlooked or simply not acknowledged until it befalls us.


What the World Needs Now

  1. 18th April 2013
  2. Richard A. Wilson (guest columnist)

“What the World Needs Now Is Love,” a popular song by writer Hal David and composer Burt Bacharach, is well known for its wistful lyric:


Why do we pay taxes?

  1. 16th April 2013
  2. Roger Meyer

Most of us get a little anxious and complain about tax time each year. How much will our taxes be? How much must we “render unto Caesar”? Why do we have to pay taxes?


Why Worry?

  1. 13th April 2013
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

The gushing torrent of bad news has become a flood. As each day unfolds it seems that more disturbing developments occur on the world scene. Serious analysts and economists are predicting the collapse of major world currencies. All agree that impending disaster has been brought about by decades of profligate spending at every level of government. This lack of...


A bigger bite

  1. 13th April 2013
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

I am not a tax protester. But, as a citizen, I am a tax payer.  As such, I find all the talk about the government at all levels taking "a bigger bite" in taxes – as one commentator called it –very unsettling. We are told increases are needed to pay for the various stimulus programs and to cover the incredible deficits resulting from declining tax revenues.The...


Why Europe Matters

  1. 11th April 2013
  2. Douglas S. Winnail

Remarkable events are taking place in Europe. Yet most people in America, Canada, Australia, Britain and other countries around the world are too busy and focused on too many things to notice. Developments in Europe are going to have a dramatic effect on the world in the future. We need to understand why these are occurring and where they are leading, because...


As news of “Maggie” Thatcher’s death hit the headlines, tributes began pouring in from around the UK and right across the world—from friends and foes alike. For, like her or loathe her, you could never ignore her—her leadership, her iron will and indomitable spirit, her total conviction and self-belief, and the remarkable impact that she made on her country and...

