Commentary | Page 224 | Tomorrow's World


Where's the love?

  1. 01st January 2008
  2. Tom Turner

Some time ago, I was checking out at my local market during the winter holiday season. Making the usual conversation with the young man who was ringing up my purchases, I commented on how the weather had cleared up, to which he responded, "I was hoping for more rain."


The Little Flock

  1. 27th December 2007
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

The bare trees make a silhouette on the horizon in the winter morning light, beautiful to behold in the cold, clear, crisp air. Not much traffic on a Saturday morning, a far cry from the crowded traffic on roadways on weekday commutes for most workers. The radio news is relatively quiet, except for analysis of the still-ongoing political issues and talk about...


What is truth?

  1. 21st December 2007
  2. Glen Gilchrist (1954-2014)

When it comes to politics, philosophy and religion, truth is usually a commodity in short supply.


Empathy for a friend

  1. 20th December 2007
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

I have a friend who suffers a lot. He is not an old guy, but it seems like his body is old before its time. He has the kind of dogged health problems that when one symptom gets better, another infirmity breaks out. When one procedure is complete, something else needs to be done just to keep him going. And through it all, he maintains a good attitude, though it...


The long haul

  1. 13th December 2007
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

As I looked around the lovely setting that was the new Senior Citizen's Center, I saw a lot of folks enjoying themselves. Some of them were playing cards; others were playing chess or board games. In the dance studio, some brightly dressed ladies were practicing a dance routine. People were coming and going, in good spirits, enjoying fun and fellowship. These...


Where are the Leaders?

  1. 07th December 2007
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

It is interesting to see the various personalities emerge under intense questioning and pressure from their peers. Sadly, we seem to have a dearth of strong leaders, men and women with a long track record of accomplishment and good ideas for dealing with the problems of our nation and the world; leaders with a consistent set of values and moral credibility....


Identifying God's people

  1. 30th November 2007
  2. Don Davis

If your name appears on the membership roll of a church that claims to follow Jesus Christ, does that automatically make you a Christian in the eyes of God?


Eight words that will improve your life

  1. 16th November 2007
  2. Don Davis

There are eight little words, in four simple phrases, that can help solve most of the interpersonal problems we encounter every day. They can end arguments, settle disputes and even bring peace. Sadly, most people are too proud to use them as often as they should, and they suffer from strife and turmoil as a result.


When the fires go out

  1. 13th November 2007
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

Devastation! Wide areas of the beautiful hills and valleys of Southern California are now covered with the charred remains of once beautiful homes. And open areas are scorched and blackened by wildfires that ripped through the tinder-dry brush, fanned by Santa Ana winds that are so prevalent this time of year. The incredible destruction and the resulting...


Strangers and pilgrims

  1. 09th November 2007
  2. Don Davis

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the average American moves 11.7 times during his or her lifetime. Yet although we are a mobile nation, we quickly become comfortable in our places and patterns of living.

