Wallace G. Smith | Page 38 | Tomorrow's World

Wallace G. Smith

There It Was, Right Behind Me...

An early morning shock provides a surprising view of an age-old problem.

Smells Like Teen Marketing

Are young people just another demographic, waiting for advertisers to sell them on the latest consumer goods, lifestyles—or religions?

How Do You Spot a Counterfeit?

Where did your beliefs about God come from? Are you really sure about what you believe? If you were deceived, how would you know? God's word reveals the vital answer!

The "Sex Age"

What was once a private joy, shared between husband and wife, has become big business. Sex sells, and advertisers use it to entice adults and children alike into buying their wares. Is there anything you can do to protect yourself and your family?

The Tomb of Jesus?

Archaeologists recently announced an amazing discovery—a tomb which, they say, contained the bones of Jesus and several members of His family. What does this "discovery" actually reveal?
