Roger Meyer | Page 20 | Tomorrow's World

Roger Meyer

Deliverance from Pestilence

The word “pestilence” immediately evokes a threatening and ominous picture of a fatal epidemic. We may think of the bubonic plague—the infamous “Black Death”—along with pandemic influenzas or other contagions. Some may also think of dire biblical warnings regarding the “last days.” Can we find protection from pestilence?

God's Blessings and Curses

Say the word “curse” and most people think of casting spells, witchcraft, black magic, voodoo dolls, hexes, and jinxes. A curse is an utterance made with the ill intent to inflict misfortune, adversity, or punishment on someone by means of supernatural power, such as magic or evil spirits. Are curses real?

Don't Fall for It!

Falling is hazardous to our health, often causing injury and sometimes even death. We fall many times in life; as toddlers learning to walk, as youths playing sports, and as adults in our homes. Falling is especially dangerous as we get older when our gait falters and our bones are brittle. But we can also fall spiritually. Why do we fall, and what can we do to prevent it?

Rushing to Judgment

Rushing to Judgment

The modern world ignores ancient wisdom.

Many people today are quick to condemn others when they hear or see an accusation, even if proof is lacking. Social media lights up like an electrical storm, filled with hateful and vitriolic comments and horrific threats—sometimes including bodily harm and death—toward the accused.

Even some professional journalists prejudge before getting all the facts. Verifying information appears to be less important than being the first to publish and take advantage of sensationalism.

Warning: Do Not Over-inflate

“Do not over-inflate” is a common-sense warning found on tires, balls, toys, and boats. It also applies to floating devices, bounce houses, balloons, and nearly anything inflatable. Things over-inflated can burst, ruining the item and potentially causing damage and injury.
