Roger Meyer | Page 11 | Tomorrow's World

Roger Meyer

Why So Much Confusion Today?

Have you ever seen so much confusion? Today’s events and the decisions being made on a whole host of issues are frustrating. Far too often, our leaders’ actions defy common sense.

Opposing opinions and a divisive spirit result in social unrest in a wide variety of areas, such as education, health, masks, vaccinations, crime, policing, climate and the environment, energy, national borders and immigration, politics, voting, the approach of and limits to governmental powers, marriage, gender, sexual identity, race, economics, and a host of other cultural issues.

Attention Rulers of Earth

Cartoon depictions of extraterrestrials have often shown them standing by their flying saucer, asking an earthling to “take me to your leader.” Such scenes have long characterized the idea of earth’s first contact with extraterrestrials.

"Follow the Science"?

We hear an urgent plea these days, especially regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, to “follow the science.” Science is promoted as the guardian of all things truthful and factual. The mantra seems to be, “If science says it is so, it is so.” But just how reliable is “science”?

"Something Wicked This Way Comes..."

“Something wicked this way comes,” said the second witch in Shakespeare’s play Macbeth, act 4, scene 1. Macbeth is a play about the evils of unrestrained ambition and murder.

Are Invasions Coming?

In most modern Western countries, people tend to think of wars as being “over there” someplace and not on their home soil—but hasn’t the United States also seen terrorism like that of the 9/11 attacks? Could we see foreign invaders once again attack cities in America, as well as in Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, and other nations—on an even greater scale?
