This entire Earth is going to start shaking. Before too many years, every mountain and every island on this Earth will be moved out of their place. Then the skeptics will begin to really know that there is a very real God. For the living Jesus Christ will return to this Earth in power. This program will show specifics events which will occur just before Christ's return. These major world events will occur and they will affect your life dramatically.
Very soon, perhaps in your lifetime, Jesus Christ will return. How will this effect your life, and when will it happen? There are specific signs to look for, and in this program, listen as Roderick Meredith explains how you can find out what they are.
A powerful religious force will soon arise to change our world. The figure representing that force will be as charismatic as Hitler and Mussolini—but even more dangerous and deadly. He will be adored, and even worshiped, but he will be the personification of the Antichrist. You need to understand, and to prepare yourself for the appearance of this evil world leader.
What do the inspired prophecies in your Bible reveal about the year 2010 and beyond? Many people have their own ideas, but only the great God who rules the universe has the power to reveal what actually will occur! Will there be a terrible Middle East war? Another wave in America's economic downturn? You need to know!
The Jesus Christ of your Bible prophesied His return to planet Earth. And he promised that His return would bring genuine peace--an end to the wars, diseases and financial turmoil increasingly plaguing our world. But when will He come? For how many more years must we wait? We do not need to "guess." Your Bible gives specific benchmarks of prophecy.