Is mankind about to blow itself up? Iranian scientists continue to pursue the atomic bomb, while Iranian citizens burn American flags in the street and shout "Death to America!" Iraq is descending into full-scale civil war. Around the world, other tragic events are bringing war, disease, famine and death to millions. Most of us do not like to think about all these terrible events at once, but together they spell out an ominous future for this present world. What is the only genuine solution to these growing crises?
Picture in your mind the mushroom cloud of an atomic bomb. The United States is facing six deadly perils which will change our entire way of life forever. These perils are underway now, and will "detonate" over our nation, as deadly as a real atomic bomb, in the near future. Do you know what they are, and what you can do to protect yourself?
Christ's return is not just a religious issue; it is a matter of human survival. Our world is seeing an explosion of crises. Billions around the globe are suffering from drought, famine, war, poverty and disease. America and its allies are in deep trouble. But there is a real God, Who is concerned about mankind's very survival. He will intervene in world affairs to save us!
With the value of the dollar plummeting, and America's prestige in drastic decline around the world, we may wonder: "What is happening to the richest and most powerful nation on Earth?" Does Bible prophecy have anything to say about the decline of the United States? Mainstream Christianity has totally ignored many exciting Bible prophecies that speak directly of current events. You need to know what those prophecies are, and how they affect you!
Do you understand that a very real God is about to send Jesus Christ back to this earth as King of kings? Were it not for God's intervention, humanity would very soon destroy itself. But God is about to intervene—and there are nine specific events you can watch for, so you need not be taken by surprise!