When you look in the mirror, do you see a future son or daughter of God? Most people do not even begin to realize how God is using their history to prepare them for a future more amazing than they could possibly imagine.
Why do some churchgoers fail to recognize the very real God of the Bible, and fail to understand how He is right now causing the fulfillment of specific biblical prophecies that will massively affect our nations and our lives?
On a recent trip to the United Kingdom, I was saddened to see how the British people are quietly submitting to the takeover of their once-great nation. Month by month, slowly but surely, it is happening right before their very eyes!
Does God have a plan for the billions who have died without ever hearing His true Gospel? Many "mainstream" preachers teach that there is a burning Hell filled with those who have never even heard of Jesus Christ. But what does your Bible really say?