When a nation rejects God's way, tragedy follows. Your nation may be suffering the effects of grave national sins, but Jesus Christ offers a way of escape for you personally, if you will strive to obey Him!
Satan is also called "the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience" (Ephesians 2:2). For Satan and his demons "work." They never grow tired. They never quit.
Why are increasing millions of professing Christians going about inventing their own religion—seeking "spiritual values" apart from attendance at any organized denominational church?
Belief in Satan is often considered "old-fashioned" in our day. But Christ Himself spoke of the reality of the spiritual dimension. Are you prepared to resist the devil's deceptions?
People tend to "go along" with whatever form of religion is presented in the comfortable surroundings of "their" church and they are very easy to deceive because they do not genuinely study the Bible with an open mind and they do not bother to really "prove"—or to disprove—the religious ideas promulgated by their church or denomination.