The Book of Revelation in your Bible is a mystery to most people and yet it reveals the future of the world. The Apocalypse of Revelation features many symbols. One of those symbols is a beast with 7 heads and 10 horns. What do these heads and horns represent? According to Bible prophecy, this future beast will rule over many nations. Just who is this beast?
Is the Bible an inspired message from a loving, divine Father to all His children on planet Earth? Or is it something else? The Bible is more than just the most popular book in the whole world; it is God's revelation to you--and you can prove it for yourself, if you know how!
Many of us have dreamed about treasure hunting and striking it rich. The pirates of old are said to have amassed fortunes in gold, silver and jewels. Some of those riches are still hidden to this day. But there are treasures far more valuable than buried treasure chests or sunken pirate ships. Those treasures can be found in the Bible. We call them "The Promises of God".
The Book of Revelation in your Bible is a mystery to most people and yet it reveals the future of the world! The apocalypse or revelation features many symbols. One of those symbols is a beast with seven heads and ten horns. What do those heads and horns represent? According to Bible prophecy, this future beast will rule over many nations. Just who is this beast?
Thousands of people die, every day, around the world. Perhaps one of your friends or relatives has died recently. What happens after death? Do all the good people go to heaven when they die, while the bad people go straight to hell? Are your loved ones gone forever, or will you see them again? What happens to those who lived and died without accepting Jesus Christ as Savior? Your Bible reveals vital truth that can comfort and encourage you!