Richard F. Ames (1936-2024) | Page 63 | Tomorrow's World

Richard F. Ames (1936-2024)

What Is the Day of the Lord?

Bible prophecy reveals that a great prophetic event will soon burst upon the world scene. The prophect "Day of the Lord" will affect all nations and all peoples on Earth. And it will affect you and your family. Just what is the "Day of the Lord"? What significance will it have in the flow of Bible prophecy? And how will it affect your life in these end times?

Who Is Burning in Hell?

Millions of people around the world believe that deceased friends, relatives and enemies are right now burning in the flames of hell. Others who consider themselves the "intellectually enlightened" condemn such beliefs as superstition. What is the truth? Is there anyone right now suffering the torments of hellfire? What does your Bible say?

Battle for the Bible

Billions of people around the world have Bibles. The Bible is the world's best selling book. But, the Bible is under attack. Secular forces and even some religious groups work to prevent public display and use of the Bible as well as the Ten Commandments. Even some religious leaders say "the Bible is not divinely inspired by God". Will the Bible survive these attacks?

The Missing Message

At Christmas-time, the usual traditions and decorations are visible almost everywhere. Among those traditions, visible many weeks before Christmas, are the sales and promotions that make Christmas the busiest retail season of the year. Many believe that the commercialization -- along with distractions like "Santa Claus" -- takes our attention away from the real meaning of Jesus' birth. But how many realize that the December 25 tradition itself obscures the truth? You need to know what your Bible reveals about the true meaning of the Messiah's first coming!

Who IS Jesus?

There are hundreds, even thousands, of denominations that claim to be following Jesus Christ. Yet they teach many conflicting doctrines, and hold very different ideas about Jesus Christ. They cannot all be right, so how can we be sure who is really following the true Jesus Christ of the Bible, and who is following a false "Christ" who will lead his victims astray? The good news is that you can identify the true Jesus Christ, if you know how!
